Will Replacing Justin Trudeau Fix Canada?

Canada’s Conservative Party newly elected leader Pierre Poilievre speaks during the Conservative Party Convention at the Shaw Centre, Ottawa, Canada on September 10, 2022.
DAVE CHAN/AFP via Getty Images

Will Replacing Justin Trudeau Fix Canada?

The rot is much deeper than you think.

Pierre Poilievre, leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, went viral two weeks ago for calling Pierre and Justin Trudeau “Marxists” while campaigning door-to-door in Toronto.

If you are Canadian, you know something is wrong with the country: Inflation is at record highs, housing prices are out of control, the military is a shadow of what it once was, drug use and crime are rampant in cities, families are falling apart, and there seems to be no solution to any of these problems. People are losing hope and noticing an ideological agenda behind the decline.

Since becoming leader of the Conservative Party one year ago, Poilievre has voiced people’s frustration with Canada’s trajectory. He has capitalized on the growing resentment against some of Justin Trudeau’s policies. The most recent Abacus Data poll showed the Conservatives with a 14-point lead over Trudeau’s Liberal Party.

Can Poilievre save Canada? Are Pierre and Justin Trudeau Marxists? In truth, Canada’s government and institutions are rotten to the core.

The Unvetted Revolutionary

Pierre Elliott Trudeau is consistently voted the best prime minister in Canadian history. When he burst on the scene in 1965, Canadians had never seen a politician like him: charming, brash, intellectually intimidating, cunning and intrepid. The nation became caught up in “Trudeaumania.” As a result, he was never vetted before being given the reins of power.

“Being swept along in the wave that was ‘Trudeaumania,’ Canadians gave the Liberal Party a majority government in the 1968 federal election,” recounts Patrick Redmond in From Democracy to Judicial Dictatorship in Canada: The Untold Story of the Charter of Rights. He continues:

Pierre Elliott Trudeau became prime minister and de facto “leader” of Canada as a result. While not widely understood at the time, he was dedicated to overthrowing the existing cultural and societal values, as well as the Canadian system of governance. He came to power at a time when older Canadians were more deferential to authority and more trustful of politicians while younger Canadians were caught up in the euphoria of Trudeaumania.

Most voters knew nothing of his radical ideological background and influences.

When Trudeau was 16 years old, his father died. Young Pierre was attending Brebeuf College in Montreal. The now-fatherless boy gravitated toward Marie-Joseph d’Anjou and Rodolphe Dube, two Catholic Communist priests. Dube, a prolific left-wing author, pushed Trudeau into the French philosophy of personalism. Personalism exalts human nature and the individual as the ultimate authority on morality and human conduct; the individual is more important than the state or collective groups.

Emmanuel Mounier, who attempted to reconcile Catholicism and communism into one ideology, was also influential on young Trudeau.

Redmond continues:

Trudeau participated in the Freres-Chasseurs, who planned to rise up against the “oppressors in Ottawa.” He took part in street riots and worked in a secret society, the LX, to overthrow what was considered a corrupt system.

Trudeau was an activist—an insurrectionist.

Trudeau attended Harvard in the United States in 1944, the Instiut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris in 1946, and finally the London School of Economics (lse) in 1947. Trudeau’s ideology solidified as he interacted with many Communist and Marxist professors. He admitted in his memoirs that the most influential was Prof. Harold Laski, who wrote: “There cannot, in a word, be democracy, unless there is socialism.” At lse, Trudeau began a doctoral thesis on the relationship between Christianity and Marxism. Soon after, he visited China and the Soviet Union, attending propaganda meetings that aligned his view on foreign affairs with these Communist regimes.

In 1960, Catholic priest Abbe Gerard Saint-Pierre called Trudeau “the Canadian Karl Marx.” In a Cité Libre and Le Devoir editorial in 1965, Trudeau revealed his true intention in joining the Liberal Party: “It must never be forgotten that in the democracies that we know, the political party isn’t an end but a means, not a goal but an instrument.” Trudeau radicalized the Liberal Party. In 1982, he patriated the Constitution and implemented the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, entrenching Communist policies into Canadian democracy.

The Trumpet often writes about his son, Justin Trudeau, who is finishing the job. Communist insurrection is the family business.

Poilievre is right: Pierre and Justin Trudeau are Marxists.

‘Conservatives in Name Only’

The problem with Canada is the weak opposition to the Marxist tide. All of Canada’s prime ministers from 1968 to 2006—Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney, Jean Chrétien, Paul Martin—pursued the same fundamental policies. They were all beholden to Paul Desmarais Sr., a Montreal billionaire who befriended Communist China and backed Trudeau’s policies.

While many Conservative members of Parliament have attacked Trudeau’s policies over the years, they have lacked the courage to expose his intent.

This is true at the provincial level as well. Bill Davis, Conservative premier of Ontario in the 1980s, did backdoor deals with Pierre Trudeau to make the Charter possible; while current Conservative premier Doug Ford supported Justin Trudeau when he suspended civil liberties during the Emergencies Act crackdown of the Freedom Convoy. This is the Canadian uniparty at its worst: If the federal government teams up with Ontario and Quebec, they stay in power and ignore the rest of the country.

The Conservative movement regrouped in the early 2000s by merging the old Progressive Conservative Party with the Canadian Alliance Party, a Western-based party focused on social conservatism. The Conservative Party of Canada was born. In 2006, Stephen Harper became the first prime minister not from Montreal in nearly 40 years. But he failed to check the Marxist rot at the core of Canadian institutions, focusing on the economy instead of the culture war.

Poilievre is unique because he has publicly acknowledged the radicalization of the Liberal Party. But he appears to be heading down the same road as the rest of the “Conservatives in name only.” Commenting on the recent Conservative Conference, the Toronto Star wrote:

[Poilievre] spoke admiringly of the province protecting its language and culture, the genius of its hydroelectric know-how, and pledged to “always be an ally” for Quebec. If that was too subtle, he twice shouted from the stage: “Vive la nation Québécoise!” (“Long live the Quebecois nation!”) …

For Quebec voters, who tend to be more liberal than the rest of the country, two other factors are at play: Poilievre has said he’s pro-choice and he told Canadians last year his father is gay.

Many in the media view Poilievre as a Conservative pitbull, a fiery leader. Politico called Poilievre “the man who could beat Trudeau.” Poilievre sees part of the Marxist attack on Canada, but will he have the courage to stand against it?

No Hope in Man

There is no doubt that the Trudeaus’ policies have driven Canada into a steep decline. The Conservatives offered weak resistance or even aided this Marxist agenda.

Will getting rid of Justin Trudeau help? Maybe. Can Poilievre save Canada? No.

Canada’s dire situation is beyond the willful intent of any Marxist leadership. All Canadians are to blame for what is happening.

Politics reflect national morality. Evil leaders come to power because of moral rot inside society. The Bible teaches this law of cause and effect from cover to cover. Sin, the breaking of God’s laws, is the true cause of economic curses (Deuteronomy 28:16-20), weather disasters (verses 23-24), faint-heartedness (Isaiah 3:1-8) and bitter affliction (2 Kings 14:26-27). What is needed more than a change of leadership is a change of heart—true repentance toward God, changing from reliance on man to reliance on God.

That is the ultimate lesson we need to learn: There is no hope in man!

Jeremiah 17:5 says: “Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord.” God has been trying to teach mankind to trust Him, but mankind has taken the road of painful experience. The only path out of curses is toward God. No human leader can provide solutions.

These important prophetic trends are explained in America Under Attack. Request your free copy today.