Drought Devastates America’s Breadbasket
Drought in America’s heartland could lead to the smallest wheat harvest since the 1960s, according to data published this month by the United States Department of Agriculture. Analysts expect arid conditions to reduce Kansas’s wheat harvest by a quarter and Oklahoma’s wheat harvest by half. Arid conditions could also affect corn and soybean production in Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota.
America probably won’t run out of grain anytime soon, but food exports could be reduced at a time when the war in Ukraine is already hurting global food supplies and causing grain prices to spike.
Bad weather: The current drought in the Midwest is the worst in a decade, but a series of forecast rainstorms over the next two weeks could help the situation. Yet these rains will likely be too late to help the winter wheat crop, which is usually harvested in June or July. And they may even be too late to completely save the corn and soybean crop. This means the world is headed toward the tightest grain inventories in nine years, despite the resumption of exports from Ukraine. Such shortages are one reason China is now hoarding half of the world’s reserve grain.
Withered land: The late Herbert W. Armstrong proved in The United States and Britain in Prophecy that the U.S. and Britain are descended from the ancient Israelite tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim. And prophecies in the biblical book of Joel foretell widespread crop failures in end-time Israel (Joel 1:10-12). These passages are about corn, wheat and barley grown in the Midwest perishing; grapes, figs and pomegranates grown on the West Coast drying up; and apples grown in Michigan withering. Even animals will starve as their pasture withers.
God sends such disasters to destroy America’s food, even as foreign nations refuse to sell products to the United States (Deuteronomy 28:52). God is sending such curses because people have turned away from His moral laws.
Learn more: Read “Four Reasons Famine Is Coming to America.”