Berlin Tolerates Provocative Anti-Israel Protest

Berlin Tolerates Provocative Anti-Israel Protest

Is the battle against anti-Semitism in Germany being won or lost?

Slogans of anti-Semitic hate rang out in the streets of Berlin, Germany, on Saturday, April 8, as a protest by Palestinian Arabs made its way through the city. Though the police condemned this overt display of Jew-hatred after the fact, they were criticized for a lack of action, again raising the question: Is the battle against anti-Semitism in Germany being won or lost?

“Death to Jews!” and “Death to Israel” are slogans one might associate with an al-Quds Day rally in Iran. They are not what most would expect to hear on the streets of a modern European city that prides itself on multiculturalism. However, these slogans and many others were shouted in the streets of Berlin during a pro-Palestinian protest by roughly 500 people. The protesters also shouted slogans honoring the Qassam Brigades, an armed branch of Hamas designated as a terrorist organization by the European Union.

Police with Arabic translators were present at the rally. Yet despite the threats being shouted in Arabic, nothing was done to confront or break up the protest. The response was limited to Twitter posts calling for “coherent action” and declaring that “anti-Semitism in Germany must be fought by all legal means.”

Germany faces legitimate problems with anti-Semitism. Consider these examples given by the Jerusalem Post on April 12:

The German Jewish expert on anti-Semitism, Henryk M. Broder, wrote last week that Berlin’s commissioner to combat anti-Semitism, Samuel Salzborn, seems to have misguided priorities in the city-state’s fight against anti-Semitism. Broder wrote in his column for the large daily broadsheet Die Welt that Salzborn spent the last two years largely focused on renaming streets that had been originally named after anti-Semites.

Broder lampooned the result of Salzborn’s work because only two streets from 10,000 in Berlin were renamed and the two streets involved not well-known anti-Semites. …

Germany’s system of anti-Semitism commissioners to combat Jew-hatred has been plagued by scandals. The Simon Wiesenthal Center urged commissioner Gerhard Urlich from the state of Schleswig-Holstein to resign due to his alleged anti-Semitic sermons against Israel while serving as bishop of the Protestant Church for northern Germany. A court in Hamburg declared that the commissioner for the southwestern German state of Baden-Württemberg, Michael Blume, can be termed anti-Semitic due to his attacks on German Jews and one of Israel’s Zionist heroes, Orde Wingate, a founder of the idf [Israel Defense Forces].

Anti-Semitism is certainly a real danger for Germany. However, accusations of anti-Semitism are often weaponized for political gain or improving corporate image, calling into question whether Germany’s leading politicians and industrialists truly take this threat seriously.

In 2019, Alternative für Deutschland lawmaker Stephan Brandner was expelled from the Bundestag’s legal affairs committee over a tweet in which he mentioned Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed Jesus Christ. Despite making this statement in a context unrelated to Jews or even to government affairs (he was commenting on an award given to a pop singer), the resulting furor was enough to remove him from his post.

Similar incidents have happened outside of politics. Germany’s world-famous clothing company Adidas decided in October 2022 to cut ties with rapper Kanye West over his alleged anti-Semitic comments.

High-visibility decisions like this make Germany seem like the leader in the fight against anti-Semitism. Indeed, many Germans oppose this ideology; however, when it comes to Islamic anti-Semitism, Berlin’s police force has shown itself more willing to patiently wait it out rather than risk a violent confrontation.

The same is true on the international scene. Germany and the EU, which acts in German interests, are quick to condemn Israel whenever a law is passed allowing Israelis to live in the Gaza Strip, a zone considered by the EU to be illegally occupied. But condemnations of Palestinian-Arab violence are less frequent and mainly limited to rocket attacks or shootings in Tel Aviv.

The Trumpet closely watches Germany’s involvement in the long-running conflict between Israel and the Arabs because this will lead to the worst act of anti-Semitism ever committed, by far.

A key to understanding why the Trumpet believes this is found in the Bible, a book with much to say about the Jews. Hosea 5:13 mentions Judah, the ancient tribe that today corresponds to the Jewish nation Israel. It says that Judah has a “wound,” which in the original Hebrew can mean “the pressing together, binding up of a wound; here used figuratively of a remedy applied to the wounds of the state,” according to Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon. A similar word for “wound” in Hebrew can also mean “falsehood; hence, fraud, insidious dealing … net, or snare” (ibid). In Obadiah 7, it is used in the context of being deceived by a peace agreement.

In Jerusalem in Prophecy (request a free copy), Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains that the word “wound” in Hosea 5:13 refers to the Israel-Palestine peace process of modern times. “In other words, the remedy IS the wound!” he writes. “The Israelis will finally see that their peace pact with the Palestinians has failed. The Jews really only see the effect of their wound. They don’t see the cause. That is why they turn to Germany for another peace pact!”

Israel will turn to Germany for help resolving its woes with Palestinian anti-Semitism. But other Bible prophecies warn that it will be betrayed, conquered and enslaved by a European superpower led by Germany.

Although many Germans sincerely condemn any form of hatred against Jews, history shows that the right social, economic and world conditions, when combined with a strong leader, have the power to rapidly transform German society. Italian journalist Luigi Barzini described Germany as “mutable,” given to rapid and dramatic change. Bible prophecy warns that this character trait has not yet been eliminated: Anti-Semitism will return with deadly consequences.

The battle against anti-Semitism in Germany is not yet won. But soon anti-Semitism will be eliminated—not only from Germany but from the world.

To learn more about the cause of this deadly anti-Semitism and how it will finally be overcome, read our free booklet Jerusalem in Prophecy.