Oregon Bans Christians From Adopting
The government of Oregon has refused to allow a mother of five children to adopt two more children after she said her Christian religious beliefs prevent her from allowing her children to receive cross-hormone injections. Jessica Bates has sued five state employees for adoption guidelines that discriminate against Christians, yet Oregon is not compromising with its radical sexual orientation and gender identity policies.
War on family: Oregon state law requires all adoption applicants to “respect, accept and support” the adoptee’s professed “sexual orientation, gender identity [and] gender expression.” Bates reports that mandatory classes in the state’s adoption application process say supporting an adoptee’s sexual identity includes using a child’s preferred pronouns, presenting homosexuality as pure and wholesome, and taking a child who identifies as transgender to get an irreversible sex-change operation.
Christian persecution: Quena González, senior director of government affairs at Family Research Council, told the Washington Stand, “It’s telling that Oregon would prefer to keep over 5,000 children in foster care every day than certify an otherwise well-qualified home that not only desires to serve such children but is open to sibling groups and older children.” But in the opinion of the radical left, it is better for children to grow up in a foster home than to grow up in a Christian home with adoptive parents who refuse to inject them with gonadocorticoids and gonadal steroids, and who teach them things like “male and female created he them” (Genesis 1:26).
Upside down: Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in his July 1976 Plain Truth personal, “A solid family structure is the very foundation of any stable and permanent society.” This is why Communists seek to destroy it. If you undermine the family as the basic economic unit of society, you create a culture where people depend on the state.
Many Republicans support same-sex “marriage” because they support freedom, but the left is using homosexuality and transgenderism as weapons to destroy free societies. This is evident from the fact that leftists are no longer asking conservatives to accept homosexuals; they are threatening to deny children to those who refuse to raise them queer.
Prophecy says: Jude 7 is the strongest warning in the Bible against homosexuality, transgenderism and other sexual sins. It warns that nations that live like Sodom and Gomorrah will suffer “the vengeance of eternal fire.” To understand the deadly deceit behind the so-called lgbtq agenda and what God thinks of these particular sins, request our free booklet Redefining Family.