Science Has Failed—Can Religion Save Us?

Science Has Failed—Can Religion Save Us?

In many ways, science has failed us in the last few years. The lockdowns, the vaccine and the coronavirus itself were misjudged and misrepresented. Meanwhile, the James Webb Space Telescope is revising our understanding of the universe and even causing some to question the big-bang theory. Millions around the world are waking up to the reality that our modern sophisticated scientific world order lacks true bearing. While no major church has benefited from this trend yet, there are indications that the pendulum is swinging back in religion’s favor.

On March 2, German think tank Bertelsmann Stiftung wrote: “Many people in Germany increasingly searched for the meaning of life during the coronavirus, but only a minority found orientation through religion. Politics also did not provide meaning for the majority. The majority of people, on the other hand, relied on science and family.”

To some, this is concerning. “I do believe that society would benefit from absorbing more of what religion can impart. But it doesn’t do it,” renowned sociologist Hartmut Rosa told Kirchen Zeitung on March 14. Rosa wrote a book, released in late 2022, Demokratie braucht Religion (Democracy Needs Religion).

He isn’t the only one who believes that our society needs more religion. On the same day the interview was published, Germany’s largest tabloid, Bild, published “Students Need Knowledge About Religion.” The author noted that students need an understanding of Christianity to understand the most pressing topics in their lives. The article advocates for more religious education in schools.

People recently have put religion out of their lives, but this could change.

Every human being is inclined to hold absolute truths dear to them. These “truths” give them orientation. In the last 200 years, the Enlightenment led them to more scientific “truth.” The last few years has brought a stronger shift to one’s own will—whatever seems right. But with troubles increasing around the world, people feel increasingly empty and are again in search for higher spirituality. German think tank Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung reported in April 2022:

The number of nondenominational people is growing steadily, and a general trend toward secularization is obvious to many. However, religion is not disappearing from state and society; rather, its role is changing. This is more obvious in the global context than in the European one. Eighty-four percent of the world’s population feel they belong to a religious community and say they believe in God or a higher power—and the trend is rising.

Some believe the lack of religion in science and politics is leading us into a dangerous atheistic path without a moral compass. More and more believe they can no longer trust anyone and are questioning the most basic truths such as a round Earth (not realizing that the flat Earth theory was an invention pushed by the so-called elite of the day: the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages and prior pagan religions; it did not originate from the Bible).

Today, science suppresses religions, but hundreds of years ago, religion suppressed science. As scientific advances could no longer be stopped, the religious grip over people failed. But we are seeing the pendulum swing again as people realize that science doesn’t have all the answers.

The Bible reveals where this trend is leading. Revelation 17 prophesies that the Catholic Church, which has been pushed out of politics and replaced by science, will in the near future be once again aligned with the state. This alliance will not necessarily be due to popular demand, but the Bible indicates that most will accept a more religious rule in their lives. To learn more about what this meant in the past and the dangers that are prophesied to arise from it in the future, read our free book The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy.