Sixth Grader Stands Up Against Sexually Explicit Material in His Middle School
An 11-year-old boy in Maine is speaking out against sexually explicit material in his middle school library and calling for administrators to be prosecuted. At a Windham Raymond School Board meeting on February 15, Knox Zajac read aloud from the book Nick and Charlie, which he had checked out of his school’s library. This book, written by Alice Oseman, graphically describes two teen boys stealing wine from their parents and having sex with one another.
Zajac told the board that he found the book near the library entry door and showed it to the school librarian. But the librarian only asked him if he wanted the graphic novel version. So he took it home and showed it to his father, Adam Zajac, who was furious. After Knox read aloud from the book Nick and Charlie for the school board, Adam Zajac got up and said: “This is the smut that he is finding, alright? I don’t care whether it’s gay, straight, bisexual, or whatever the terms are for all of this stuff—it doesn’t need to be at our school. It doesn’t need to be at my 11-year-old’s library.”
Adam Zajac then blasted another book, Gender Queer, by Maia Kobabe, which is even more explicit in depicting sex between teenage boys.
Both federal and state laws prohibit the possession or distribution of pornographic material involving children, so parents should pay closer attention and contest inappropriate books. This is not just a problem in the Windham Raymond School District but in school districts across the United States of America.
More than 60 books are under review in the Central Bucks School District in Pennsylvania, according to district employees, now that the district has outlined rules governing its policy prohibiting “sexualized content.” One of these books is Gender Queer. Other concerning titles are This Book Is Gay, Lawn Boy, Beyond Magenta, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, After, All Boys Aren’t Blue, All the Bright Places, All the Things We Do in the Dark and Two Boys Kissing. The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania has filed a complaint against the Central Bucks School District for trying to ban these books, saying that doing so might create a hostile environment for homosexual and transgender students. But like Adam Zajac, many Pennsylvania parents are adamant that such sexually explicit material has no place in an American middle school.
Legislation in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and other states has made it difficult for students to get sexually explicit material at school. But some liberal states are fighting back. Legislatures in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey and Oregon have mandated the teaching of gender ideology in all grades, so radical social engineers in these states can claim that books like Nick and Charlie, Gender Queer and Two Boys Kissing are protected by law.
There is a well-organized campaign to normalize homosexual and transgender behavior at any cost. The radical social engineers behind this campaign are actively trying to expose your 11-year-old and all youth to pornographic material.
The founder of the 1960s New Left movement, Herbert Marcuse, argued that the nuclear family as a building block of society had to be abolished. He pushed for alternative relationships without defined gender roles or the ability to produce children. It is not a coincidence that the same school boards fighting to keep sexually explicit material in their libraries also push critical race theory and other neo-Marxist thought. Their goal is to twist children’s minds so they cannot form stable families and, therefore, must rely on the nanny state for support.
Marx wrote in Communist Manifesto that communism “abolishes all religion and all morality.” In his poem “The Fiddler,” he expressed a tremendous thirst for destruction: “Till heart’s bewitched, till senses reel: With Satan, I have struck my deal. He chalks the signs, beats time for me, I play the death march fast and free.” Like other 19th-century socialists, Marx employed Satan as a symbol of workers’ revolt against divine authority. It shouldn’t be surprising that Marx’s modern disciples are involved in some of the most satanic social-engineering projects imaginable.
The Apostle Paul warns us not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices lest he get an advantage over us (2 Corinthians 2:11). The Apostle Peter warned, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Lions stalk their prey by hiding in the grass—until it is too late. That is why Peter warns us to be vigilant. You have to see the lion while it is still hiding in the grass to have any chance of escaping.
Many conservative parents don’t know about the sexually explicit material in their child’s school library because they have not paid much attention to their child. But Satan is paying attention and beating time for a vast army of social engineers who want to destroy God’s purpose for marriage and family. Conservative commentator Glenn Beck released a program called “Project Groomer”; it included a shocking clip from Yuval Noah Harari. This transhumanist has spoken several times at Klaus Schwab’s influential World Economic Forum conference in Davos, Switzerland. He predicted that, as humanity reengineers bodies, brains and minds, there will be no such thing as gender in 50 years.
People do not understand the true nature of evil. They think we can coexist with it. That is why society is overwhelmed by evil. That is why, when Florida’s governor made it illegal to teach perverted sex to 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds, he was branded an extremist and other states boycotted Florida. That is why America’s assistant secretary for health is transgender and was made a four-star admiral in the U.S. Navy. That is why the number of people identifying as lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender is skyrocketing. And that is why the media celebrate this trend as a success.
A decade ago, the culture war was over homosexual “marriage.” Now most conservatives have accepted such “marriage” as the law of the land so they can focus on battling transgenderism. Next, they will surrender that to focus on “adult-child relationships.” Society is changing so fast it is nearly impossible to maintain the appropriate level of godly indignation and anger over the depravity. That takes real effort and becomes more challenging to sustain over time.
We tend to get tired of fighting, but Satan never does. And the way the radical left fights shows you how the devil thinks. Do you disagree with transgenderism? Too bad—they will teach it to your kindergartner and not even tell you! Push back, and they will insult you, shout at you, bully you online, and threaten you. Satan forces people to obey his will.
This is why God tells us to hate evil as He does (Psalm 97:10; Proverb 8:13). Parents, take your God-given responsibility seriously to be your child’s educator. Know what he or she is being taught in school and what he or she is watching and reading. Take every step necessary to defend them. Train him in the way you know he should go (Proverbs 22:6).
To understand the deadly deceit behind pornography, homosexuality, transgenderism and other sexual sins, request a free copy of our booklet Redefining Family, by Trumpet managing editor Joel Hilliker.