Will Ukraine Survive Winter?
Snow is covering Ukrainian cities, fields and grave sites. Temperatures are dropping below zero, and many homes are without electricity and heat. Russia has strategically attacked Ukraine’s energy grid.
What happens next? While Russia orders new troops, Ukraine is optimistic it can regain territory. This winter could be a turning point: Will we see Ukraine liberated or annexed?
This is the worst winter since World War ii. [Russian President Vladimir] Putin wants to terrorize people, make them freeze, without light. But that won’t happen. My impression is that people will only get angrier, more determined. We will not die or flee as Putin wants.
—Vitali Klitschko, Kyiv mayor, to German newspaper Bild on November 23
- On Monday, news broke that Russia is preparing a new wave of attacks on the country’s energy infrastructure as a Russian warship with missiles was spotted moving into the Black Sea.
Prophecy says: While there is much optimism in Ukraine at this moment, there are some signs that the situation could worsen. The Bible reveals the final outcome and shows that wars in general will get more brutal and that Russia’s conquest won’t end. Even though Putin may suffer temporary setbacks, his dream of a revived Soviet empire will motivate even greater evil in the future. At the same time, the Bible reveals true hope that far exceeds today’s illusions. The horrors ahead and the wonderful hope are revealed in Gerald Flurry’s free booklets Nahum—An End-Time Prophecy for Germany and The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia.’