The End of America’s Constitutional Republic

The End of America’s Constitutional Republic
What is the greatest threat to the United States’ national security? Federal intelligence officials cite Russian strategy, Chinese espionage, Iranian ambition, North Korean unpredictability and other dangers. These are major threats to U.S. national security, clearly. One could argue, however, that a graver, more immediate and advanced threat to the nation is that posed by federal intelligence officials.
America is supposed to be a constitutional republic governed by representatives chosen in free and fair elections. Yet the Federal Bureau of Investigation, one of the government’s security agencies, has been meddling in these elections, almost always in favor of one side.
The fbi lied to obtain a warrant to spy on the campaign of Donald Trump in 2016. It contorted itself to avoid political harm to Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton. It raided the homes and offices of three of President Trump’s attorneys in 2018, 2021 and 2022. It undermined derogatory information connected to Joe Biden’s son Hunter by falsely asserting it was Russian disinformation. It raided the apartment of an investigative journalist to intimidate those who published information relating to Joe Biden. It has confronted people who have worked with President Trump, seizing their phones and even putting one in jail for a short time. And it has put dozens of less powerful Trump supporters in jail without trial or any semblance of due process for well over a year.
It is now undeniable that the fbi has been weaponized against opponents of the radical Biden regime.
After the fbi raided President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home on August 8, military historian Victor Davis Hanson told Fox News host Mark Levin that he believes America no longer has a form of government where the people rule themselves through their elected representatives.
“I don’t think we’re a republic anymore,” he said. “I would say we’re in a transition to a radical democracy, and by that, I mean that what anybody wants to do on any given day, if they have power or the votes, they do it. So, we don’t respect immigration law; people in the administration want to get rid of it and make the border open, they do it. If you want to have a warrant for a particular fbi operation, you can find a judge and you do it. So what I’m getting at, Mark, is if you have an agenda and you feel you have elected power, you don’t respect any guardrails or prohibitions that constitutional republic set up to protect the abuse of power.”
This is a shocking yet accurate description of today’s America. A regime using armed agents to raid political opponents is a Third World-style dictatorship.
America’s Founding Fathers devised an elaborate system of checks and balances to limit the power of any one individual, or even one branch of government—and to keep most of the power over the citizens’ lives in the citizens’ hands. Now their grand experiment in government is failing. Radical Democrats are circumventing and destroying these checks and balances with impunity through unelected “deep state” bureaucrats. The nation has moved into a dangerous new era where the only constraints on presidential power are no longer constitutional but merely political.
Prosecuting Trump
Federal police routinely prosecute, convict and jail former leaders in Third World countries. Never in America—until now. After making sure President Trump and his family would be away on August 8, dozens of armed fbi agents spent 10 hours rummaging through his private residence, breaking into his safe, and confiscating memos, letters, e-mails and documents.
What was the legal justification for the raid? The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures, so these fbi agents needed actual evidence that President Trump had committed a crime that must be investigated before they could raid his home. They never presented any such evidence. Instead, they simply got a warrant from Florida magistrate judge Bruce Reinhart that authorized them to seize “any government and/or Presidential Records made” during Trump’s four-year term in office.
The warrant stated that the fbi was investigating Trump for a potential violation of the Espionage Act, but it failed to present probable cause that a crime had been committed. So it is obvious that the purpose of the fbi raid on Mar-a-Lago was to get Trump, not any particular documents in his possession.
This truth is further highlighted by the fact that Reinhart, the judge who issued the warrant, is an anti-Trump official who worked for years as an attorney for people close to sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.
After thoroughly searching Trump’s home, office and storage shed, the fbi ended up seizing a birthday party menu, a cocktail napkin, a list of telephone numbers, three passports, some miscellaneous memorabilia from Trump’s White House years and 11 sets of classified documents. The whole operation was really a politically motivated raid fishing for any dirt they can find on Mr. Trump—just like the 2016 operation to wiretap Trump Tower.
In fact, investigative journalist Paul Sperry uncovered that the fbi agents and officials involved in this raid work in the same counterintelligence division that investigated Trump during the Russiagate hoax. So, many of the same people currently under investigation for manufacturing evidence saying Trump illegally colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election were searching through Melania Trump’s wardrobe for anything they can use against her husband.
“These are dark times for our nation,” Trump wrote in a statement. “After working and cooperating with the relevant government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate. It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the justice system, and an attack by radical-left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for president in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and conservatives in the upcoming midterm elections.”
Dark times, indeed. If fbi agents can raid the president’s home with barely a pretext of legality, then no one is safe. The fbi has morphed into the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party.
Weaponized Justice
When radical Democrats wanted to keep Trump out of office six years ago, the Clinton campaign had one of its prominent lawyers, Marc Elias, hire the commercial research firm Fusion gps to compile the infamous Steele dossier. This vile document falsely accused Donald Trump of escapades with Russian prostitutes and criminal links to the Russian government. It was filled with rumors and lies that former Clinton aide Charles Dolan told Russian-American analyst Igor Danchenko to repeat to hired British agent Christopher Steele. Yet despite knowing all about the corruption within the Clinton campaign, the fbi still used the Steele dossier to launch a counterintelligence investigation against Trump.
Now that Russiagate has been exposed as a hoax, you would think people would stop listening to Marc Elias. Yet Elias thrust himself into the limelight immediately after the fbi raid on Mar-a-Lago, saying that U.S. Code Title 18, Section 2071, should allow Democrats to bar Donald Trump from ever holding public office again if they can prove he mishandled classified information at his residence.
This is the same Marc Elias who worked for the same Hillary Clinton while she was under investigation for mishandling classified information by deleting tens of thousands of e-mails and by using a secret e-mail server while serving as secretary of state. He never argued that Clinton should be barred from office because of her secret e-mail server, yet he wants Trump prosecuted for keeping some personal notes and mementos given to him by Kim Jung-un and other world leaders. The double standard is stunning.
Elias’s rationale is unlikely to keep Trump from office, however. As legal columnist Andrew McCarthy wrote, “The Justice Department well knows that the qualifications for a presidential candidate are set out in the Constitution. They may not be altered by statute, precisely because the framers did not want the executive branch to be dominated by the legislature, as would happen if Congress could disqualify incumbent or potential presidents simply by passing a law. … Moreover, the Constitution also prescribes the basis for disqualifying a person from seeking the presidency or other federal office: conviction by the Senate on an impeachment article voted by the House. Again, what is prescribed by the Constitution may not be altered by a mere statute. To trigger disqualification, Congress would have to impeach and convict Trump; it cannot be done by criminal prosecution” (New York Post, August 9).
Since Mr. Trump willingly returned 15 boxes of records to the National Archives in February, there was no need to raid his home. Other presidents have had disagreements over what is considered to be presidential records, which they worked out with the government after they left the White House. So the raiders were looking for something other than National Archives; they were looking for anything they could find to prevent the American people from ever being able to cast a ballot for Trump again.
Double Standard
America’s founders believed that the rule of law was the fundamental first principle of a free and just government. That is why Samuel Adams wrote, “There shall be one rule of justice for the rich and the poor; for the favorite in court, and the countryman at the plow.” True freedom can only exist when the government governs people according to set legal principles, not by leaders’ fancies or whims.
Yet America today is being governed by the fancies and whims of the radical Biden administration. The fbi is covering up Hunter Biden’s sordid crimes while trying to frame Trump for imaginary crimes. The nation no longer has one standard for the “favorite in court” and “the countryman at the plow.” Instead, the nation’s liberal elite operate with impunity while everyday conservatives are bullied into submission.
Do not expect fbi Director Christopher Wray or his underlings to apologize for this double standard. During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on August 4, four days before the Mar-a-Lago raid, Wray refused to confirm that the Russia collusion story was a hoax or that the Hunter Biden laptop was not disinformation (despite overwhelming evidence that Donald Trump was innocent and Hunter Biden was guilty).
Sen. Marsha Blackburn asked Wray, “Do you agree that the allegation of secret collusion between President Trump and Russia was a hoax, yes or no?” Wray dodged the question, saying, “I don’t think that’s the terminology I would use. But I think there’s been a lot written on this subject, both in the special counsel’s report, the inspector general’s report.” Blackburn asked Wray to answer her question with a simple “Yes” or “No.” But Wray dodged again, reiterating that “hoax” was “not a term I would use.”
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 2017–2019 investigation found no evidence of Trump colluding with Russia. Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report outlined 17 treasonous crimes the fbi committed in launching the Trump-Russia investigation that he identified as “significant errors or omissions.” Special Counsel John Durham’s report revealed that the Hillary Clinton campaign was working with Russian operative Igor Danchenko to feed the fbi information that Barack Obama and fbi officials knew was false. Yet for some reason, the current director of the fbi cannot bring himself to say the Trump-Russia hoax was a hoax.
Equally shocking is that Wray refuses to admit that Hunter’s laptop was not Russian disinformation. When Blackburn asked Wray, “Do you agree that the Hunter Biden laptop was not Russian disinformation?” he replied, “Now you are asking about an ongoing investigation that I expect our folks to pursue aggressively, and I just can’t comment on that.” You read that correctly. Even the New York Times admits Hunter’s laptop full of evidence of corruption, drug use and debauchery is real, but the director of the fbi refuses to comment.
The Russia-Trump collusion narrative was a hoax. The Hunter Biden laptop scandal is real. But admitting these facts would confirm to the public that Obama’s fbi was trying to control the presidency!
Attacking America
The U.S. Constitution has been under attack for decades, but its fiercest foe has been Barack Obama. In a 2001 radio interview, a 40-year-old Obama condemned former Chief Justice Earl Warren for not breaking free “from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution.” Then he condemned the Constitution for being a “charter of negative liberties” that says “what the federal government can’t do to you, but it doesn’t say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf.”
The purpose of the Constitution was to limit government, but Obama viewed the limiting of government as the document’s fatal flaw and dedicated his life to circumventing its checks and balances. He did this by hijacking America’s executive agencies and using them to undermine both Congress and local governments.
My father, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry, writes in America Under Attack: “Of all the intel agencies, the one Obama wanted control over most was the fbi. The fbi does the domestic investigative work on anyone who needs or holds a security clearance, so control over the fbi put him in charge of who can access what information. … The intelligence branch has full control over what is considered classified information. That is why this ‘fourth branch’ has control over the three actual, constitutional branches: executive, legislative and judicial. When other branches ask for intelligence information, often the agencies will provide it with key parts redacted to hide what is really going on. They control that, without oversight. The only ones who see the whole picture are Barack Obama and his top men. This gives these people unparalleled control!”
The surprise fbi raid on Mar-a-Lago has Obama’s fingerprints all over it. It gives him and the administration he controls new material to redact and add into the case of the Capitol riot in order to frame Mr. Trump as trying to stage a coup against a duly elected president. It is clear that Obama and Biden will stop at nothing to keep Trump out of office so they can continue using their deep state to end America’s Constitutional Republic.
It is no coincidence that many of the men supporting Obama were trained by card-carrying Communists. Obama himself was mentored by Frank Marshall Davis, a card-carrying Communist. Obama’s single closest adviser, Valerie Jarrett, is the granddaughter of Robert Taylor, one of Davis’s closest associates. And Obama’s Central Intelligence Agency director, John Brennan, literally voted for Gus Hall, a Communist Party usa presidential candidate.
The late Herbert W. Armstrong warned that communism was the devil’s tool to destroy governments, the United States government in particular. “Satan is not a visible red devil with tail, horns and a pitchfork,” he said in an article written toward the beginning of the Cold War. “The real Satan is invisible. The world doesn’t see him or recognize his works. … It doesn’t grasp the diabolical deception of communism—Satan’s economic delusion, employing propaganda based on false economies as its first arm of attack, backed up by the Red army, as the means of putting its third arm, totalitarian government, in power over the whole Earth” (Plain Truth, October 1951).
The Obama-Biden administration is filled with radicals who want to destroy America’s Constitution and replace it with totalitarianism. That movement has made enormous progress for decades by influencing the culture and education of young Americans. But resistance to that movement is coalescing around Donald Trump.
More Americans are realizing that there are serious problems in Washington, D.C., but almost nobody realizes that God does not place the primary blame on political leaders the way many political commentators do. In the end, government corruption is correction from God to help people see their sins and repent. Americans must come to realize that only God and the Bible can solve the problems in their government!