The Big Lie That Started Roe v. Wade

The Big Lie That Started Roe v. Wade
Roe v. Wade came in with a whimper, but it resulted in a roar. The landmark Supreme Court ruling barely made headlines on Jan. 22, 1973. It was overshadowed by the death of former President Lyndon B. Johnson and by a major withdrawal of United States troops from Vietnam. A total of 58,220 American troops died in that devastating war—one for every 1,081 unborn babies who would be killed over the next 50 years.
Servicemen coming back home returned to a country where killing the unborn was now a newly invented “constitutional right” that superseded all other laws. But that “right” was predicated on a big lie.
“Jane Roe,” the plaintiff in the case, was Norma McCorvey. Norma was a child of divorce, she began committing crimes at age 10, she became a ward of the state, she abused alcohol and took drugs, she had sexual relationships with men and women, and if her accounts are to be believed, even more horrible things occurred. Her life was wildly unstable.
But some of her accounts are not to be believed. In 1969, 21-year-old Norma became pregnant for the third time and wanted to have the baby, a girl, killed. But Texas law prohibited abortions except in certain cases. So she lied and said she had been raped by a group of black men. This ploy failed due to lack of police evidence. An attempt to get an illegal abortion also failed. But someone introduced her to two lawyers who were looking for a woman in just her situation in order to launch a lawsuit. The rest is bloodstained history.
The Roe Lie
Norma McCorvey’s lawyers had her sign a one-page affidavit and filed suit in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas on her behalf and used her for their purposes. She reportedly never attended any of the trials herself and lost track of them. A few years later, after her daughter had already been born and given to an adoptive family, the Supreme Court made its ruling that would affect far, far more people, born and unborn: It ruled that that 2½-year-old girl should have been killed.
In perhaps its most famous decision in modern history, the court ruled that the due process clause of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guaranteed a fundamental “right to privacy” that protects a woman’s liberty to abort her unborn child, something that no state, no session of Congress and no Supreme Court had ever determined. It held that the decision to abort a child must be made between a woman and her doctor, and that no state or other entity may advocate for that child.
Roe’s trimester framework stated that killing “the potentiality of human life” (the baby) could be banned in the third trimester but not the first. A subsequent 1992 ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Casey overturned this, but upheld the “right to privacy” reasoning and thereby the constitutional “right” to abortion.
But a child does not become a child somewhere between conception and birth; a woman’s “right to privacy” does not supersede a child’s right to life, no law or deeply rooted tradition held that that was the case; and all powers not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution are reserved for the states by the 10th Amendment. Taken together, the court predicated its abortion agenda on a lie far bigger than any McCorvey told.
The court appropriated abortion as an issue within its jurisdiction and labeled it lawful and just.
That is a big lie.
At the end of June this year, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. The majority opinion reviewed the provisions of the Constitution, reminding Americans that an unspecified right (in this case, to abortion) must be “deeply rooted in this nation’s history and tradition” before it can be recognized as a component of the “liberty” protected in the due process clause. State laws against abortion have existed from the time the Constitution was ratified until the day Roe v. Wade was decided. No such deeply rooted unenumerated right exists.
The idea that the U.S. Constitution supersedes state laws to protect abortion is a big lie.
The entire premise for McCorvey’s “need” for an abortion, the tragic gang rape, was also a big lie. As late as 1983 McCorvey claimed that her now-teenage daughter, wherever she was, was the result of rape. Then in a 1987 televised abc News interview, journalist Carl Rowan asked whether or not she had been raped. “No, I wasn’t,” she said.
“So all those stories that are in the books and so forth are not true?” Rowan asked.
McCorvey shamefacedly admitted, “Yes.”
Roe v. Wade started with a rape that never happened and created a “constitutional right” that has never existed.
Since then, 63 million babies have been killed before they were born.
The Guttmacher Institute of Planned Parenthood estimates that 1 percent of abortions involve a pregnancy through rape. It estimates that 0.5 percent involve incest, and virtually zero are medically necessary to save the life of the mother. So even this pro-abortion institute admits that more than 62 million babies have been killed simply because one or both of their parents did not want them.
This is 10 times as many people as died in the Holocaust. It is 60 times as many Americans as have been killed in all wars combined.
Attack on Family
Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, leftists have been literally screaming in outrage. But they are not thinking about the 1 percent of abortions that involve rape. They are thinking of the 98-plus percent of cases in which abortion is used to facilitate promiscuous sex! As one pro-abortion singer put it, Roe v. Wade “allowed women to find their sexuality without fear, to be playful and spontaneous.” This is why many abortionist women have reacted, ironically, by going on a “sex strike.”
The idea that the former “constitutional right to abortion” is largely about dealing with babies conceived by rape is yet another big lie! Roe v. Wade is far less about rape than it is about protecting the lie that one can be promiscuous without consequences.
In fact, abortion on demand is a sacrosanct right to radical leftists for an even bigger reason than allowing “women to find their sexuality without fear.” Why are leftists so persistently, aggressively, violently opposed to saving sex for marriage, for raising children in families?
Because they want to destroy family!
For many prominent voices on the left, that is not hyperbole. Influential philosophers Margaret Sanger, Wilhelm Reich, Alfred Kinsey, Herbert Marcuse and others have unambiguously stated that the institution of family as we know it should be destroyed. They have also said that a major weapon for destroying family is sexual promiscuity, including homosexuality, and that abortion is needed to help women and men engage in “finding their sexuality without fear.” The influence of such thinking is no small part of why educated estimates put the 2021 abortion rate in America at almost 1 out of every 5 pregnancies!
There is a direct line from Roe v. Wade to abortion to promiscuity to the widely held belief that family must be dismantled!
Many people support abortion just so they can have as much sex as they want with whomever they want whenever they want. But the radical Democratic elite, and others who want to reshape America and the world, support abortion to weaken the family and transfer more authority to the government. Dismantling the family is a significant aim in Marxism, which enjoys astonishing popularity among America’s educated elites.
Those who want to transform the U.S. toward socialism believe “the ends justify the means.” That includes lies, misdirection and even mass murder of the unborn. This is the reason the radical left engineered hyperbolic slander of Brett Kavanaugh to keep him from being confirmed to the Supreme Court. Christine Blasey Ford and two other women publicly accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault during his confirmation hearings. None of them had any proof of their claims, and one has admitted she made up her lurid tale of a backseat rape as a “tactic” aimed at keeping Kavanaugh off the court. These were yet more falsehoods to protect, among other things, the false right to abortion on demand.
Heinous crimes like rape and incest should obviously be severely punished when they actually are proven (including in less than 1 out of every 50 abortion cases). But science and the Bible establish that life begins at conception. Destroying any innocent human life is murder in 100 out of 100 cases! (article, page 16).
Radical leftists are willing to murder millions, not just so that they can be “playful and spontaneous” in fornicating, but so that they can destroy family. And if the Supreme Court stands in their way, some of them stand ready to take more extreme measures.
Civil War
In an attempt to derail the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that overturned Roe v. Wade, an anonymous leaker actually supplied a draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito to Politico back in May. A draft majority opinion has never been leaked to the public before. America’s shadow president, Barack Obama, undoubtedly had a hand in the timing of this leak. Not only did this leak distract people from a treasonous election (Politico published it minutes after the debut of Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary 2000 Mules), it also generated a firestorm of vitriol from left-wing activists that many hoped would frighten a conservative justice into changing his or her vote before the court officially rendered its decision.
Threats were made against the personal safety of Supreme Court justices who were likely to overturn Roe v. Wade. Their home addresses were posted online, along with instructions for making pipe bombs. Obama slammed the court’s decision as an attack on “the essential freedoms of millions of Americans,” and many rioted. Windows were smashed; pro-life pregnancy centers were firebombed.
With the judicial activism of Roe v. Wade now undone, eight states have already banned abortion while six other states have heavily restricted it. Several more states are ready to pass similar laws. Politico stated that overturning Roe v. Wade “could fuel a clash between the states not seen since the run-up to the Civil War” (May 19). The radical left does not want to let states set their own abortion laws. The violently pro-abortion faction in America may not be large, but it is radical—and it is supported by Obama’s radical regime, including pretender to the presidency Joe Biden.
Robert Spencer at the David Horowitz Freedom Center said he wondered whether the Supreme Court’s decision might not be “the Fort Sumter moment that touches off a new civil war.” It remains to be seen just how far the leftists will take their reaction to the upholding of the Constitution, some states limiting the dismemberment of babies as birth control, and a brief delay in the destruction of what is left of the institution of American family.
A radical terrorist cell called Jane’s Revenge formed after Justice Alito’s draft opinion was leaked, and it claimed responsibility for about 50 attacks on pro-life centers where pregnant women can get help without an abortion. These terrorists have persecuted, vandalized and firebombed these pro-life centers and promised more violence as more states restrict abortion.
We have reached the point where political violence is becoming mainstream. Obama and the acting president whom he controls have done nothing to stop this lawlessness because they support the “right” to abortion—and they support the lawlessness!
In the lead-up to the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln famously stated that “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” The issue of abortion is already proving terribly divisive. The effects of McCorvey’s lie and the anti-constitutional lie that sprang from it have truly been catastrophic.
Father of Lies
Americans today do not know their Bibles as well as Americans in the past did, but President Lincoln’s “house divided” symbol was familiar to most Bible-reading Americans of his day. During Jesus Christ’s human lifetime, some said His ability to cast out demons was powered by the devil. Quickly perceiving this obvious contradiction, Jesus responded, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand” (Matthew 12:25).
Lincoln was quoting a reliable source during his “House Divided” speech, but Christ told His disciples a whole lot more about the devil. He said that Satan is a liar and the father of the practice of lying (John 8:44). Lies are so common and sometimes seemingly trivial, but look at what they can lead to.
So much of the emotion Satan is stirring up in America today is the result of bald-faced lies. Norma McCorvey was never raped; nobody should exact revenge for Jane Roe; Brett Kavanaugh is not a rapist; Roe v. Wade was always unconstitutional; abortion is murder. But millions of Americans reject these basic facts, and many are willing to commit violence in the name of a lie.
“The radical left is sick,” my father wrote in his 2018 article, “The Kavanaugh Hearings Reveal America’s Lawless Spirit.” “They do not accept criticism, and they are not sound-minded. The power behind them is very dangerous! What they are doing has the devil’s fingerprints all over it! Satan is ‘the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience’ (Ephesians 2:2). He loves to stir up nasty, unbridled emotion. Americans need to wake up! Satan is at work—dividing the country, turning us against each other, hollowing away the strength of our republic! Bible prophecy shows this is leading to nation-destroying violence! It seems the radical left has virtually taken over the entire Democratic Party today, with few exceptions. And they are pushing for conflict!” (Trumpet, November-December 2018;
A prophecy in Ezekiel 5:12 reveals that one third of the population of end-time America will die from the pestilence, famine and violence that will result from civil war. That is more than 100 million deaths from rioting and warfare in the U.S.—160 times more than died in America’s first Civil War! Our free book Ezekiel—The End-Time Prophet explains these sobering prophecies in more detail, but to truly understand the lying spirit behind such wanton death and destruction you need to read my father’s new book, America Under Attack.
Satan has a strong grip on the Communist left, but he influences everyone. That is why God reveals him as “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). You need to recognize his influence and see his hand behind the attack on America so you can repent of your part in its downfall and have a chance to be spared from the coming destruction!