France Is Resurrecting the Holy Roman Empire

France Is Resurrecting the Holy Roman Empire
Under the leadership of President Emmanuel Macron, France has turned against America and Britain. Instead of siding with its former allies, France is now courting its World War i and ii enemy Germany.
In light of Bible prophecy, this turn of events is very alarming! In fact, it will lead into a horrifying crisis. But at the same time, this news can fill you with great hope if you understand God’s promises.
Last year, the whole world witnessed France’s bitter clash with America. In an interview with the Economist in November, President Macron said, “The [United States] is turning its back on us. What we are currently experiencing is the brain death of nato [North Atlantic Treaty Organization].”
The U.S. hasn’t led nato perfectly, but it has paid for Europe’s security for decades! Meanwhile, European member states—including France—haven’t spent the minimum requirements on their militaries as required by nato rules. But instead of calling on Europe to contribute more to nato, Macron is stirring a rebellion against the U.S.
Why such harsh words? Why is Macron so negative toward the U.S. when France has benefited so much from that relationship? If not for America’s part in two world wars, France would be part of Germany today!
U.S. President Donald Trump responded by saying, “Nobody needs nato more than France, if you just look back over the last long period of time. Nobody needs nato more than France—and frankly, the one that benefits really the least is the United States. We benefit the least. We’re helping Europe.”
Mr. Trump is exactly right: France has benefited most from nato. But there is a profound reason why Macron is opposing America the way he is.
The real catalyst for this changed approach by France is Germany. Germany is the only one who benefits from Macron’s statements. This is not a question about Europe’s security, primarily. This is about a changing world order. It is a question of accepting or opposing American dominance.
It is also a question of whether France is willing to surrender to Germany’s rule.
Macron is not arguing over minor conflicts of interest; he is rejecting U.S. objectives. He believes Europe and the U.S. have opposing military goals.
nato’s first secretary general, Lord Hastings Ismay, described the alliance’s goals: “Keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.” If you consider how greatly France suffered at German hands in World War ii, you would think this would be in Macron’s interest. During World War ii, Russia and Germany made an alliance that enabled Germany to conquer almost all of Europe! After the war, the Allies wanted to ensure that Germany would not be able to rearm again. They agreed that Germany should never be allowed to ignite another war. nato was created to secure the Continent from the Russian threat without letting Germany rearm.
Macron opposes these goals. He believes the time of U.S.-Europe cooperation against Russia is over. “We are in a Europe where we left the arms issue under the control of treaties that predated the end of the Cold War between the United States and Russia,” he told the Economist. “Is that a Europe that thinks about its destiny and builds?”
France wants Europe to step out of the shadow of America’s military umbrella. It wants a Europe that is independent of the U.S. and that no longer sees Russia as the main enemy.
But without nato, the postwar order is in acute danger! New military alliances are bound to form and dramatically shift the balance of power. This is especially dangerous considering that the world is now armed with nuclear bombs. A break of the relative peace since World War ii would lead to the end of humanity if God would allow it!
Macron is risking all this, and you need to understand why.
France’s betrayal of America and Britain should be a strong warning to this world. Macron is not just calling for a reevaluation of relations—he is calling for a European army, which will undoubtedly be led by Germany! By letting Germany rearm after the war, America and Britain were taking a calculated risk—as their leaders and even Germany’s leader said at the time. I prophesy that unless America and Britain repent now, they are going to regret that decision a million times over! So says your Bible.
Anchored to Germany
A clear trend is taking place: President Macron demands what Germany wants. I don’t believe Macron would ever say what he said unless Germany approved of it. He acts as a sort of puppet to Germany!
In a speech in October 1995, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher warned, “You have not anchored Germany to Europe,” which was the original plan, “you have anchored Europe to a newly dominant, unified Germany. In the end, my friends, you will find it will not work!” Mrs. Thatcher’s strong stance against Germany helped get her ousted from office, and to this day she is criticized for it. But it is the truth!
That is a big reason a majority of British voters chose to leave the European Union in 2016: They know Europe is anchored to Germany. As cnbc headlined in February 2019, “Brexit Is a Revolt Against a German-Run European Superstate.”
If France would support Britain’s opposition to German dominance, Germany’s control of Europe would be greatly diminished! But Macron does exactly the opposite.
From the beginning of his term, Macron has been calling on all Europe to get behind Brussels. In September 2017, Macron said critics are “forgetting that Brussels is us, always, at every moment! … It is up to Europe to make [proposals], up to us to support them, here and now.” This demand is the opposite of what millions of Brits voted for. But it is just what Germany wants! To see why, you need to understand who controls Brussels.
The EU’s economic strength hinges on Germany. Germany is the largest net contributor to the EU. With around 83 million citizens and a gdp of nearly $4 trillion, Germany is the EU’s most populous country and its largest economy. For those reasons, Germany sends the most members to the European Parliament.
Germany leverages this into tremendous power. The government’s finances are healthy; it is actually paying off its debt. If a European country needs bailing out, Germany is the only one that can offer substantial help. But that help requires meeting Germany’s conditions.
Germany’s clout means that many of Brussels’ top jobs are filled by Germans. The European Commission President—Brussels’ most powerful position—is German. In the European Parliament, the largest, most powerful party is led by a German. The Parliament’s secretary general is a German. So is the secretary general in the EU’s version of its foreign ministry. Other EU countries commonly complain that there are too many Germans in Brussels’ top jobs.
An EU-led military would bring this German dominance into the military sphere. Geopolitical Futures founder George Friedman wrote: “Collaborating on defense budgets, with each nation contributing based on economic size, would mean that Germany would be both the leading economic and military power in Europe.”
The EU’s whole system is designed to create a superstate dependent on and dominated by Germany. And Britain leaving the EU gives Germany even more power. Britain’s opposition is a major reason Brussels hasn’t been more powerful.
By calling on all Europe to support Brussels, Macron is essentially demanding surrender to Germany! The more united Europe is, the harder it will be for Britain to escape Germany’s claws. Macron is betraying Britain and surrendering to Germany!
Imagine if a German chancellor gave a speech like Mr. Macron did, demanding that all Europe support Brussels’ dictates. Germany wouldn’t dare make such a proposal right now! But it is definitely in Germany’s interest—and Macron is the one pushing for it!
On a trip in November 2018, Macron told Germany’s parliament, “If you do not understand the words from France, remember that France loves you” (emphasis mine throughout). He said this just after he called for a “true European army” to protect Europe “with respect to China, Russia and even the United States of America”!
America and Britain virtually saved France in two world wars from being absorbed by Germany. Yet today, France despises Britain and America, and loves Germany! This is an astonishing turn of events!
Macron is announcing this coming European army. But Germany will be the one that makes it happen, whether the rest of Europe likes it or not, and a lot of them are not going to like it! The Bible reveals in Revelation 17 and other passages that the European Union will be pared down to 10 nations or 10 kings.
The late Herbert W. Armstrong foretold this for over 50 years. He based his warning on the sure word of Bible prophecy. We continue to trumpet this warning. God is warning and warning because He does not want mankind to go through this suffering. But our nations, if they don’t repent, will be severely punished.
France and the Holy Roman Empire
While Macron is seeking closer alliance with Germany, he is also allying with Europe’s oldest institution: the Roman Catholic Church. Macron is thus leading France into a dangerous church-state union that has plagued the Continent for centuries: the Holy Roman Empire.
In the name of religion, millions have fought and died on the European continent. For rejecting Catholicism, many have been tortured and killed by the state but at the behest of the church!
Because of this history, France’s government is very sensitive when it comes to religion. It was therefore seen as a great provocation when Macron addressed the bishops of France in April 2018 and said, “[W]e doubtless share the same vague feeling that the link between the church and the state has been damaged, and we both believe it is important to repair it.”
This link has been damaged because of the wars and blood it caused over the course of centuries! Why does Macron want to repair it now?
The United Kingdom’s Catholic Herald gives some insight as to the answer. In “Why Is Macron Courting the Church?” the paper noted that Macron “actively encouraged French Catholics to participate in French life as Catholics,” probably partly as a “strategy for addressing France’s greatest challenge: how to integrate a growing and, in some areas, increasingly militant Muslim population” (April 19, 2018; emphasis in original).

In response to a growing Islamic population actively working to influence European politics, Macron wants to revive Europe’s Christian roots. That means the Holy Roman Empire.
“Could Macron’s speech to Catholics be the start of efforts to rethink laïcité [secularity] in ways that would effectively ‘tame’ Islam in France?” the article asked. “At this stage, it’s too early to tell. But pursuing this goal mirrors Macron’s self-image as someone intent on renovating France by confronting problems that no French politician since [Charles] de Gaulle has successfully addressed.”
But Macron has greater ambitions than just pushing back against political Islam.
“Indeed, it is because I refuse to be indifferent,” Macron told the bishops, “that I am aware to what extent the history that the state and the church have shared for so long is now peppered with misunderstandings and reciprocal mistrust. … But today, in this period of great social fragility, when even the fabric of the nation is at risk of falling apart, I believe it is my responsibility not to let Catholics’ trust for politics and politicians erode away.”
Macron has a very positive view of the Holy Roman Empire. He believes in times of crisis, this empire needs to be revived.
In an article addressed to Europe’s citizens and published in various newspapers on March 5, 2019, Mr. Macron wrote that the future of Europe needs to be discussed with “citizens’ panels and … academics, business and labor representatives, and religious and spiritual leaders.”
Politics and religion are again merging in Europe! Macron wants to unite Europe through the Catholic faith, to oppose Islam, and at the same time to break from mostly Protestant America and Britain.
But Macron knows he can only revive the Holy Roman Empire with the support of not only the Roman Catholic Church but also Germany.
This is exactly what the Bible prophesies will happen!
The Seventh Resurrection
The Bible speaks of seven resurrections of the Holy Roman Empire. History has already seen six. There is yet one more to come (for proof, request our free book The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy).
Revelation 17 is a prophecy for the “last days,” the time we are living in right now. With Daniel 2, it reveals that this last resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire will be ruled by 10 kings. Revelation 17:12-13 read: “And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.”
This prophecy shows that the European Union, currently at 28 nations, will be pared down to 10 kings. Britain has already withdrawn from the EU. Others will follow or be kicked out.
Verse 13 shows that these 10 kings will all have one mind—and it will be revolving around the German mind and the Holy Roman Empire mind. These kings will “give their power and strength unto the beast.” This is a prophecy that these nations will be anchored to Germany! France of all countries is the first to admit it! Macron’s demand for France to ally with Germany and the Roman Catholic Church is fulfilling this prophecy to a tee!
This chapter also uses the symbol of a woman (verses 1-2) to illustrate that this empire is in union with the Catholic Church. Even some of the older Bible commentators recognized this.
This resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire is going to wreak havoc! About a hundred prophecies in your Bible tell you this! But you don’t hear much about it at all in this world, except from this magazine. We have been prophesying for many years. God has given a warning because He doesn’t want people to suffer. He also warns so they can learn how catastrophic it can be to reject that warning.
Verse 14 explains how this empire will end: “These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.” This is all prophesied to happen just before the Second Coming! This beast will be destroyed when Jesus Christ returns to save mankind!
Holy Roman Empire Vs. Israel
The Holy Roman Empire is the archenemy of Israel, God’s chosen nation. As Herbert W. Armstrong explained in The United States and Britain in Prophecy, Israel is more than just the little Jewish nation in the Middle East that is called Israel today. That nation is biblical Judah, only one tribe of Israel.
Some people claim that we can’t identify the other tribes of Israel today. But consider what Genesis 49:1-2 say: “And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days. Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of Jacob; and hearken unto Israel your father.”
Jacob’s name was changed to Israel when he became converted. Now, everybody ought to “hearken” to this message, and it is for “the last days.” It wasn’t for ancient Israel. It is prophesied to happen in the last days to the 12 tribes of Israel, which have become modern nations! Rejecting this clear fact means rejecting the authority of the Bible!
If God gives a prophecy, you can be sure He reveals it to His very elect to understand. Otherwise, what is the purpose of prophesying it?
When God prophesies what would happen to the various tribes of Israel just prior to Christ’s return, we need to know where they are today. In Matthew 10:6 Christ told His disciples to “go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” The disciples knew where they were, and we can know their identity today. If you don’t know who these tribes are today, request our free book The United States and Britain in Prophecy. It explains it in detail.
The Holy Roman Empire has worked for centuries to hide this truth from mankind. That is one reason the Catholic Church sought to control education for so many centuries. But God has made sure this truth would be known in our day. We can know who these nations are.
Notice Genesis 49:22: “Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run over the wall.” These are the birthright promises. It began with Britain—the mightiest empire ever. Starting from the British Isles, the colonies of the descendants of Joseph—from his grandsons Ephraim and Manasseh, upon whom he placed the name Israel (Genesis 48:13-16)—spread around the Earth. Ephraim and Manasseh were one nation until they split, and Manasseh became the United States, the greatest single nation ever. Its “branches run over the wall” also, by its worldwide influence.
Why have Britain and America been so wealthy for so long? Because the birthright promises God gave to Israel were passed on to Ephraim and Manasseh. God isn’t picking favorites here. But He is blessing obedience—in this case, Abraham’s obedience.
Genesis 49:23-24 read, “The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him: But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel:).” So the descendants of Joseph have many enemies. But God promised to protect them. The term “stone of Israel” is used as a type of the very throne of David and, most of all, a type of Jesus Christ, our Rock, our Stone and our Shepherd. He looks after us, and He gives us these birthright promises and protection.
God will eventually pour those blessings over all mankind as they learn to obey Him. But the focus in this end time is on three nations: the birthright nations—the U.S. and Britain— and the scepter nation, Judah. Judah, the father of the Jews today, received the scepter promise (verse 10). From his line rose kings that sat on David’s throne, which is still on this Earth right now. Foreign powers have tried to destroy this throne from its beginning. The Holy Roman Empire also tried to destroy David’s throne that was planted in Britain, but failed. (To understand this fully, request our new book The New Throne of David.)
Sadly, Joseph’s descendants have not followed in Abraham’s footsteps. Instead they have rebelled against God. Their blessings are therefore turning into curses (Deuteronomy 28). We are in “the last days” now, so this is a prophecy that we must be concerned about. To understand it, it is crucial to understand that Reuben in Bible prophecy refers to France. (This is also explained in The United States and Britain in Prophecy.)
France in Prophecy
Here is how Jacob started the prophecy in Genesis 49: “Reuben, thou art my firstborn” (verse 3). Did you know that Reuben should have received all those great birthright promises and been a wealthy nation like Britain and America?
France should have received those promises, but because of Reuben’s sins, the birthright promises were given instead to Joseph. Early in Genesis we read how Reuben betrayed Joseph. This too is a prophecy for this end time: Reuben is going to turn against his brother, Joseph. That’s a tragedy, because France is also a part of Israel.
Verse 3 continues, “Reuben, thou art my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my strength, the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power.” God has some very complimentary things to say about France. But He also has some criticism: “Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy father’s bed; then defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch” (verse 4). Anciently, Reuben had relations with his father’s concubine. Such lustful indiscretion was a big problem for Reuben, and France still has it today.
The French still have the very characteristics that Reuben had anciently. This is part of the reason why France is “unstable as water,” which means it can be manipulated by a country like Germany.
Realize that God still deeply loves the people of France. The French are a great people, as are the Germans. But in flirting with the Holy Roman Empire, they are getting hooked into something truly dangerous!
America restored Germany after World War ii through the Marshall Plan. It also helped France greatly. But Germany and France are now going to betray America and Britain and even the Jewish nation. The Holy Roman Empire’s primary targets, nationally, are America, Britain and the Jewish nation in the Middle East. God will punish these nations most of all because they have been so richly blessed and didn’t heed God’s message.
A Prophesied Military Power
Macron seeks to restore the link between the Catholic Church and the state. But the Holy Roman Empire was not only famous for its church-state union, but also for its military.
Macron is calling for both a European army and more religious involvement. That is exactly what the Holy Roman Empire is about. That empire has one government, one religion, one army, and it rules over various nations.
But the so-called Holy Roman Empire is not holy at all. It has repeatedly caused rivers of blood.
Revelation 13 and 17 include some of the most detailed prophecies of this empire in the New Testament. Revelation 13:4 reads: “And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?”
The whole world will ask who will be able to rival this empire militarily. This is a prophecy that Europe will get a powerful army! France wants this and is again entering this Holy Roman Empire union. But the French do not realize that it leads them to worshiping the devil, as his main military and religious tool, symbolized by the great dragon! (Revelation 12:12).
Germany wanted a European army long ago. It seeks to revive the powerful army of the Holy Roman Empire. The Germans have planned for this since before World War ii ended. We need to see what God is doing and why God is allowing it to happen. In fact, He is even putting it in their minds to do it! (Revelation 17:17).
France may be the one calling for a powerful European army, but Germany has the power to create it! People don’t talk about this because they don’t want to face reality.
The Bible reveals repeatedly that America’s and Britain’s lovers are going to betray them (e.g. Ezekiel 23; request Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet). America and Britain today rely on their global prestige and past glory. But we cannot protect ourselves, though we think we can. This is a painful lesson we must yet learn.
Look to the Shepherd
God wants us to look to our Shepherd “the shepherd, the stone of Israel.” God is the source and foundation of all our blessings. Our people should have some humility and recognize that God is behind all their prosperity. But this world doesn’t look to God.
A shepherd looks over and protects the sheep. Without a shepherd, we are helpless sheep that will be devoured by ravenous wolves! Israel today has rejected their Shepherd. The Holy Roman Empire is now rising to devour its blessings.
Each one of us needs that Shepherd in our lives personally or we are all as helpless as sheep. We must always remember to look to that Rock, Jesus Christ. He will be your Shepherd and watch over and protect you.
Here is another prophecy for the end time: “So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me” (Ezekiel 33:7). God wants you to listen to His watchman, and you must know who he is. This message is sent in the last days to warn Israel, primarily, but the rest of the world as well.
Israel will be punished first because of its great sins. Verse 11 reads, “Say unto them [Israel], As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?” Could this message be any stronger? God wants us to turn from our evil way! Then He will be our Shepherd and save us, and everything will work out!
Daniel 2:44 prophesies this about those 10 kings: “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.” The saints of God—those who will stand up for Christ and His message and warn Israel today—will be given this Kingdom. They will have positions and rewards like no people have ever had!
We are warning people today that the Great Tribulation and Day of the Lord are coming! God wants to prevent that. He wants us to live, physically and spiritually, and prosper in every way. But if Israel doesn’t heed His message, then He has to punish them as no people have ever been punished.
It is up to us to declare this message, and up to Israel to heed it. God will bless everyone who supports God’s message now or heeds it in the future. Jesus Christ is about to return to bring prosperity to all mankind. Those who support God’s message today will be protected from the coming Tribulation and rule with Christ for eternity! What great hope we have if we look to our Shepherd!