South Africa’s War Against White Farmers

History is being deliberately misrepresented in a bid to convince Africans to band together against those of European descent.

Farming is South Africa’s most dangerous profession. Around 3,000 people have been murdered in farm attacks since 1994. That means South African farmers are four times likelier to be murdered than South African police officers.

While some of these attacks are motivated by robbery, about 4 percent of the 334 attacks that took place in 2016 involved a brutal act of torture. These acts of torture are part of a terror campaign against white farmers. The goal is to drive white farmers off their land and establish a radical Communist society.

That is why politicians like Julius Malema encourage black criminals to target white landowners. The narrative that white settlers stole black land has been used by South African politicians to justify land seizures. But is this narrative true?

As South African farmhouses ring with screams of fear and pain, we must understand the real agenda behind farms attacks. South Africa’s history is being misrepresented in a bid to convince the black tribes of South Africa to band together in a race war against those of European descent.

South Africa’s History

Contrary to claims that white settlers stole black land, the Cape Colony was mostly uninhabited when the Dutch settled there in 1652. Since the western cape of Africa has a Mediterranean climate, the type of summer crops grown by the Bantu peoples did not grow in this region. The Dutch shared this land with a small number of Khoikhoi herdsmen for several years. Battles over grazing rights did eventually break out between the Dutch and Khoikhoi. But the Bantu tribes that comprise most of South Africa’s black population today did not arrive in the region until a century later.

After Zulu King Shaka waged a genocidal war against many South African tribes in the 1820s, the Dutch began farming the empty land. This brought them into conflict with the Zulu tribe. In 1832, the Dutch attempted to negotiate peace with Shaka’s successor. The new king commanded that the Dutch peace emissaries be clubbed to death. This ignited decades of war that did not end until the British Empire conquered the Zulu Kingdom in 1879.

So, while the Khoikhoi are indigenous to western South Africa, the Bantu, the Dutch and the British are all outside settlers who showed up in the area after 1650. None of these ethnic groups were innocent in the complicated wars that accompanied the formation of modern South Africa, but the only people in the history of South Africa guilty of attempted genocide are the Zulu. Politicians today accuse the Dutch and British of taking land from the people that the Zulu slaughtered. This is a bid to unite the nation’s black majority behind a socialist government.

What Does the Bible Say?

Historians refer to Shaka Zulu’s reign as the Mfecane—a Zulu expression that means time of “crushing.” This period ended when the British people rose to prominence in South Africa. The Bible states that there will be another Mfecane when the British people fall from prominence. This time of “crushing” will afflict all the descendants of ancient Israel, including British and Dutch South Africans as well as Americans, Australians, British, Canadians and others.

(For proof of these national identities, request a free copy of our book The United States and Britain in Prophecy, by Herbert W. Armstrong.)

The Prophet Ezekiel describes this time in grisly detail. “Make a chain: for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence. Wherefore I will bring the worst of the heathen, and they shall possess their houses …” (Ezekiel 7:23-24). The Bible prophesies that so many bloody crimes will occur that they will be like links in a chain—one following right after another. It even talks about people’s homes being taken away and about conflict between ethnic groups.

For more information on what the Bible says about South Africa’s future, request our free ebook South Africa in Prophecy.