Trumpet Daily

What Would God Have Me Do?

After being struck blind and humbled by God on the road to Damascus, the Apostle Paul asked, “Who are you, Lord? And what will you have me to do?”—two beautiful questions that helped this zealous persecutor of God’s Church to turn his life around and to support God’s worldwide work.

Offered on this program

The Worldwide Church of God leader said it was his “Christian duty” to keep Herbert W. Armstrong’s writings out of print. But the Philadelphia Church of God now owns the copyrights to 19 books and booklets written by Mr. Armstrong. That is the magnificent court victory we have won.
God’s Work has been revived—as prophesied!
God gave us the victory even though the appeals court ruled against us! It is the most miraculous event since the Philadelphia Church began. Habakkuk prophesied that it would be a double-wonder miracle.
God’s message to the world could not have been delivered had we lost. The court battle tested the faith of God’s people. Most of them have failed that test. Conversely, the miraculous victory revealed who believes God enough to fight for and deliver His end-time message!

Did you ever ask yourself: “Who am I? What am I? Why am I?” You are a mystery. The world about you is a mystery. Now, you can understand!