Liberal Faculties Dominate Campuses

Think American professors are, on the whole, unbiased objective teachers? Think again.

He condoned the 9/11 terrorist attacks that killed over 3,000 Americans. He likened America’s war to remove Saddam Hussein and destroy terrorism to Hitler’s Nazi dictatorship.

Who is this man? Is it Osama bin Laden? Michael Moore? How about some anti-American Eurocrat?

No, this analogy was construed by a professor at one of America’s very own universities. Ward Churchill happens to be an immensely popular tenured professor at the University of Colorado. He is paid thousands of dollars to speak at colleges around the nation, and his books are required reading in over 100 universities.

Churchill is not alone in his liberal opinions. Facts exposing a “sharp shift to the left” among faculty at American colleges were highlighted in a striking article “Politics and Professional Advancement Among College Faculty” published earlier this year.

“It appears that, over the course of 15 years, self-described liberals grew from a slight plurality to a 5 to 1 majority on college faculties,” this report said (Berkeley Electronic Press, The Forum, vol. 3, issue 1). In a 1984 Carnegie study, 39 percent of professors identified themselves as liberal. In a 1999 North American Academic Study survey, this number was 72 percent; only 15 percent of the faculty members classified themselves as conservative, down from 34 percent in 1984.

Liberal instructors dominate the faculties of American universities. This has a dramatic impact on the education and opinions of today’s college students. Another statistic shows that America’s college faculties are four times more liberal than the general public. So how much room does this leave for fair and objective curricula?

Anti-Americanism is only the tip of the left-slanted iceberg. When speaking to his political science class, Professor Richard Sklar of ucla “described socialism as a ‘great idea’ and communist dictator Mao Tse-Tung as a ‘great leader’” (Ben Shapiro, Brainwashed). The professor most likely neglected to mention that Mao Tse-Tung happens to be one of the most sinister murderers in history, killing more than 40 million people; hardly a reason to throw away America’s free market capitalist system in favor of socialism.

Other shocking statements of some of America’s college faculty include this statement on pedophilia from Professor Harris Mirkin of the University of Missouri: “Though Americans consider intergenerational sex to be evil, it has been permissible or obligatory in many cultures and periods of history” ( Notice how he cleverly uses a euphemism to distort his proposition that pedophilia has been acceptable for a long time, supporting his idea that it not as evil as most Americans deem it to be.

Bruce Rind, assistant professor of psychology at Temple University, concurs with Mirkin, writing in a 1999 study, “negative effects on children who had sex with adults or were coerced into sexual activity with someone their own age ‘were neither pervasive nor typically intense, and that men reacted much less negatively than women’” (Kansas City Star, March 31, 2002)—an unmistakable and sexually perverted attempt to legitimize pedophilia in an American university.

These are just a few of many examples of how liberal faculties have hijacked American schools. Instead of being unbiased and balanced, many American professors are pumping young minds full of their biased opinions on many major issues such as politics, religion, and sex. Never has there been a greater need in the world for true education.