President Obama’s Sweeping New Powers

SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

President Obama’s Sweeping New Powers

One year ago, U.S. President Barack Obama voted himself sweeping new powers over American citizens’ private communications.

On July 6 last year, U.S. President Barack Obama signed an executive order giving the White House unprecedented control to interfere with the private communications of U.S. citizens.

Draconian in both the nature of its language and the apparent intent of its application, the executive order grants powers hugely in excess of any contemplated by America’s Founding Fathers when they established the nation’s Constitution.

Couched in syntax that excuses the order as being in the interests of national security, Section 1 states that as a matter of policy, “The federal government must have the ability to communicate at all times and under all circumstances to carry out its most critical and time sensitive missions. … Such communications must be possible under all circumstances to ensure national security …. The views of all levels of government, the private and nonprofit sectors, and the public must inform the development of national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) communications policies, programs and capabilities.”

Commenting on the new executive order, the Electronic Privacy Information Center observes, “The White House has released a new executive order seeking to ensure the continuity of government communications during a national emergency. The executive order grants new powers to the Department of Homeland Security, including the ability to collect certain public communications information. Under the executive order the White House has also granted the department the authority to seize private facilities when necessary, effectively shutting down or limiting civilian communications” (July 9, 2012).

The threat this poses to any legitimate organization that speaks out against or otherwise resists government action incompatible with the intent of the U.S. Constitution—which certain radicals both within and aiding this current U.S. administration’s radical agenda have stated is outdated—is glaringly obvious.

Consider the gospel message in this context. The gospel message is a totally politically incorrect message.

It speaks to the right for life. It assumes the adoption of God-given gender roles. It encourages the man as breadwinner and the woman as homemaker. In no instance does it condone the woman engaging in a nation’s military force in a combat role. It clearly establishes a binding law that bestows blessings on the obedient and curses on the disobedient. While the Word of God adjures honor and respect for a nation’s leaders, it commands submission to God’s law over and above any law of man that is inconsistent with that law. It declares that man has the incredible human potential to be born of God!

This is the message that got Jesus Christ falsely accused, tried by a kangaroo court, whipped and scourged, and crucified.

Your Bible declares that the time will come when the land will not be able to bear the words of a prophet. The result will be that certain powers will shut down the broadcasting and prevent the publishing of the true gospel message (Amos 7:10; 8:11-12).

Such an edict as the recently signed “Executive Order—Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions,” certainly opens the door for that prophecy to become a future reality.

Read our booklet The Lion Has Roared for a clearer understanding of this subject.