Tomorrow’s News Today
Executive Editor
Stephen Flurry
Aired: March 30, 2022 • Trumpet Daily
The Radical Left Crackdown on Crimes That Aren’t Happening

00:30 Biden Makes Lynching a Hate Crime (11 minutes)
Yesterday, Joe Biden signed a bill into law that makes lynching a federal hate crime, but lynching hasn’t been a problem in America for decades. Dinesh D’Souza said the new bill is like passing a law against witch burning. Author Scott Adams noted that “Democrats are only tough on crimes that aren’t happening.”

11:30 Woke Walt Disney (9 minutes)
Walt Disney has released a statement publicly supporting LGBTQ+ communities while denouncing Florida’s new legislative bill banning schools from teaching elementary students about sexuality and gender identity. Why would Walt Disney risk losing business in order to pander to a tiny fraction of the American people?

20:35 Hunter Biden Takes the Fall for His Father (15 minutes)
The propaganda media has finally accepted that Hunter Biden’s laptop is real and that it belonged to Hunter Biden. But they have also shielded Joe Biden from his son’s criminal activity. This morning, a CNN commentator said, “There is zero evidence that … President Biden has done anything wrong in connection with what Hunter Biden has done.”

35:15 Trump and the Stolen Election (16 minutes)
According to a Rasmussen Reports survey from this month, 52 percent of voters believe that “cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.” Though it has taken more than a year for even mainstream conservative news outlets to admit there was massive voter fraud, the Washington Times is admitting as much. “President Biden received hundreds of thousands of ‘excess’ votes in Democratic-controlled areas in the 2020 election,” the Times wrote.

51:00 E-mail Feedback (4 minutes)

About The Trumpet daily

The Trumpet Daily proves the Bible’s relevancy to your life. Trumpet executive editor Stephen Flurry hosts a show covering wide-ranging topics with an emphasis on world news.

Stephen Flurry is executive editor of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine and president of Herbert W. Armstrong College in Edmond, Oklahoma.

The Trumpet Daily airs live weekdays at 11 a.m. Central Time. You can watch the live video stream at

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About The Trumpet daily

The Trumpet Daily proves the Bible’s relevancy to your life. Trumpet executive editor Stephen Flurry hosts a show covering wide-ranging topics with an emphasis on world news.

Stephen Flurry is executive editor of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine and president of Herbert W. Armstrong College in Edmond, Oklahoma.

The Trumpet Daily airs live weekdays at 11 a.m. Central Time. You can watch the live video stream at

The show is also available on your favorite podcast apps.