The Key of David

The Key of David

Presenter Gerald Flurry discusses world events in the light of end-time Bible prophecy. This is the audio format for his Key of David television program. The Key of David emulates the tradition and format, as well as the depth, of the late Herbert W. Armstrong’s telecast, The World Tomorrow, one of the most popular religious programs of its time.

You can watch videos of all The Key of David programs on its website or at The Key of David's YouTube channel.

The Apostle John was the only New Testament writer to call God by the name “I AM.” The great “I AM” is a fiery warning to you. Learn about this powerful God of real authority—and how He experienced true freedom and joy.

Der Apostel Johannes war der einzige Schriftsteller des Neuen Testaments, der Gott mit dem Namen „Ich Bin“ bezeichnete. Der große Ich Bin ist eine feurige Warnung an Sie. Erfahren Sie mehr über diesen mächtigen Gott mit echter Autorität und wie Er wahre Freiheit und Freude erlebte.

America is under attack from within. Anyone paying attention can see this. But only one man, one book, and one work of God warned over a decade ago about the dark spiritual dimension of this attack. Prove that the vicious attack on America’s founding principles was prophesied in your Bible.

God commands His people to prophesy—or die! Yet, the vast majority of God’s own people today have chosen to ignore this life-saving warning. Understand why you must support God’s prophetic message to avoid becoming His enemy.

What is wrong with America? Our nation is under attack from within! Expose the spiritual darkness behind the assault on America.

Your Bible foretells the imminent breakaway of Syria from Iran and Russia. Prove where and when Syria will seek a new alliance—and how the whole world will be rocked by this dramatic shift in geopolitics.

Though most of the world is unaware, two world powers are fighting for the Mediterranean Sea. Understand what your Bible says about this strategic struggle between mighty kings.

What is truth? This should not be a controversial question, yet today it is. Jesus Christ clearly defined truth. Discover the real definition of truth and the only way to find truth in any aspect of life.

The ancient Israelite kingdom of David and Solomon was monumental and majestic. Archaeology says so! Learn about the world premiere of an unprecedented exhibit at Armstrong Auditorium in Edmond, Oklahoma, that puts together all the pieces of this lost kingdom.

Why does France hate America and Britain? Discover the biblical and historical proof that France will soon betray its World War allies.