Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature inspires you to not only read printed books, but to read only the best books. Besides books, host Dennis Leap will lead discussions on other current literature such as essays and important articles.

Host Dennis Leap gives four tips on how to understand Hamlet.

Host Dennis Leap along with Deborah Leap discuss visiting Shakespeare’s Globe Theater and the Globe’s production of Taming of the Shrew.

Host Dennis Leap with Edstone students Rachel Culpepper, Emanuel Michels, Panayi Tolis and Justin Wainwright discuss Shakespeare’s poetry and the impact of seeing the Royal Shakespeare Company production of Hamlet.

Host Dennis Leap interviews the actors playing Hamlet and Ophelia in the Royal Shakespeare Company’s current production of Hamlet. It’s all about Shakespeare’s words.

Host Dennis Leap and Herbert W. Armstrong College Edstone students are surprised to find Shakespeare and Hamlet at Hampton Court Palace.

Host Dennis Leap invites Stratford-upon-Avon locals to talk about Shakespeare—his plays, his sketchy biography,and the current controversy over how to produce his plays for modern audiences.

Host Dennis Leap discusses why Ben Franklin’s “bold and arduous project” to attain moral perfection is the most important part of the book.

The 60-plus panel—host Dennis Leap, Robert Harmon and Deborah Leap—discuss Ben Franklin’s plan to achieve moral perfection and his daily schedule for getting things done.

Host Dennis Leap, James Brandon and Brandon Nice discuss Ben Franklin’s early education. Besides learning the printing trade with his brother James, Ben taught himself to write as well as two of the best English essayists of his time, beginning at age 12 in his off hours!Ben Franklin’s self-motivation is truly amazing. This is proof that parents can expect more of their teens today and get positive results; America’s founding generation did. Parents need to follow the same example.