Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature inspires you to not only read printed books, but to read only the best books. Besides books, host Dennis Leap will lead discussions on other current literature such as essays and important articles.

Host Dennis Leap and guest Deborah Leap discuss T. E. Lawrence’s extra-archaeological activities—the construction of the exhibition house—and his gun-running and espionage adventures as preparation for the Arab revolt against the Turks.

Host Dennis Leap and guest Deborah Leap discuss the Carchemish dig challenges, how T. E. Lawrence won the hearts of the Arabs, and his experience with the raucous Kurds.

Host Dennis Leap and guest Deborah Leap discuss T. E. Lawrence’s Arabic language education, Carchemish as his preparation for the Arab revolt against the Turks, and the young Lawrence in his element.

Host Dennis Leap and guest Deborah Leap discuss T. E. Lawrence’s association with famed archaeologist David Hogarth, why the British were so interested in Carchemish, and Lawrence’s ability to get his own way.

Host Dennis Leap and guest Deborah Leap discuss T. E. Lawrence’s early years at Oxford.

Host Dennis Leap and guest Deborah Leap discuss T. E. Lawrence’s troubled late teen years, his stint in the regular army, his desire to be free of the discipline of his mother, Sarah, and his cottage hideaway.

Host Dennis Leap, along with guest Deborah Leap, discuss T. E. Lawrence’s life as a child and teenager, taken from Chapter 3, “The Family Romance,” of Michael Korda’s Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia.

Host Dennis Leap, along with guest Deborah Leap, discuss the unconventional relationship between T. E. Lawrence’s parents, taken from Chapter 3 of Michael Korda’s The Family Romance.

Host Dennis Leap and the 60 Plus One Panel, Deborah Leap and James Brandon, discuss the adverse geographic conditions for the invasion of Aqaba, the problems with the British Army working with Arabs, and the endemic problems of the Arabs.

Host Dennis Leap and the 60 Plus One Panel, Deborah Leap and James Brandon, discuss the Sykes-Pico Agreement and the strategic importance of taking the port city of Aqaba away from the Turks.