Trumpet Daily

The prophesied events leading up to the end of man’s rule on Earth

What happens when a nation rejects the rule of law?

The more we study and learn about our universe, the stronger the evidence becomes of an absolutely remarkable truth: There is an Author of the cosmos. And He intended for us to be able to study the stars to help us come to know more about Him—and His awesome purpose for mankind!

The world of traditional Christianity can’t agree on what the ‘Kingdom of God’ is.

Break through to God—and fill up on His awesome power!

There is a way—but man has rejected that way.

Christ said He will return to sit on the throne of David. That throne exists today!

Few people understand what the word ‘apocalypse’ actually means.

What happened to the work of Herbert W. Armstrong?

God will not do for us what we can do for ourselves.