Key of David

Why is there so much division in our country? Why is our economy failing? Why is the threat of war rampant on this Earth? Why are we at the point of no return?

When Herbert W. Armstrong died in 1986, he left an impressive worldwide work: The church he founded broadcast on over 400 television stations and published a news magazine for over 8 million subscribers. What truly distinguished these achievements was that they were built with living faith. What is living faith, and how can you obtain it?

The Apostle Peter wrote about real hope in his epistles, even as he was about to be crucified. What is this real hope and how can you have it in your life?

The late Herbert W. Armstrong said over 50 years ago that America had won its last war. He was right!

God’s watchman gives God’s warning and inspiring hope in this end time. Do you know who God’s watchman is?

In his epistle, James is addressing a problem within God’s first-century Church. However, James’s epistle is primarily prophecy for God’s true Church today, as well as the physical nations of modern Israel.

Relying on a wealth of official documents and depositions submitted in federal courts, Raising the Ruins reveals the truth behind the shipwreck of the Worldwide Church of God and outlines the remarkable twists and turns of an unprecedented legal battle.

Biblical prophecy is a mystery even to most who read the Bible. The reason for that is that people lack the vital key that opens understanding of those prophecies. Did you know that it all revolves around the identity of the lost 10 tribes of Israel? You need this all-important key!

The Bible gives one major sign of Christ’s return. Do you know what that sign is?

The brains of humans and animals are physically very similar. Yet man has an intellectual capacity far greater than in any other creature. Why? Because of the spirit God put in man. Just what is the human spirit?