Key of David

Nearly 30 years ago, a dark spiritual force overthrew God’s Church from within. The Prophet Daniel foretold the same outcome for America.

William Shakespeare, universally recognized as the greatest non-Bible writer of all time, was immensely proud of the British Empire. Soon, all mankind will become empire builders.

In this dangerous age, no character trait is more vital than faith. The Prophet Habakkuk teaches us how to develop deep, life-saving faith.

Recent archaeological discoveries in the holy city dramatically verify the truth of the Bible. No city on Earth brings history and prophecy to life like Jerusalem.

God is offering the greatest reward imaginable to a tiny group of people today, and it relates to a specific throne on Earth right now.

Your Bible prophesies of a strongman who will rise to power in Europe seemingly overnight and shock the world.

The Bible prophesies of a dangerous end-time leader called the ‘prince of Rosh’ who will affect the lives of every person on Earth.

A brother of Jesus Christ wrote one of the most powerful messages in the entire Bible about true Christians winning spiritual battles.

As the Jewish nation in the Middle East faces grave threats, a recent archaeological discovery brings to life a nation-saving lesson needed in this dangerous age.

Family time together and the life of Jesus Christ are both wonderful. But does God want us to celebrate these things by keeping Christmas?