Key of David

The book of Revelation talks about the great multitude—a multitude that man could not even number. It was an “innumerable” multitude. And why is that so important to you?

The popular theory of evolution destroys the understanding of man’s incredible human potential. Man did not descend from animals, but was created to be born into the God Family!

Many confessing Christians speak often about Christ. Yet the Bible says Christ is a mystery to nearly all of mankind. Do you understand the mystery of Christ?

The Apostle Peter said he loved Christ. Yet in a severe trial, Peter denied Him three times. How deep is your love for Christ?

We named our television program The Key of David. We did so because this key unlocks the greatest vision in the Bible. Understanding this vision will motivate you to overcome your trials and tests—and rejoice as you do so!

The Bible speaks frequently about the splendor and majesty of Jesus Christ’s bride. Who is Christ’s bride and what is her purpose?

Revelation 12 prophesies that Satan would be cast down to this Earth. When did this occur? What did Satan do at that time? What is he about to do?

The Key of David vision is the greatest vision in all the Bible! This vision provides the only hope for mankind. How well do you understand the Key of David vision?

Do you know God? How can you be sure? Here is some practical help you need in order to truly know God.

The Prophet Amos spoke about a secret—God’s secret. What is that secret, and what does it mean for you?