Key of David

What is the cause of the recent severe weather? Is it global warming or something more? The Bible says that this severe weather is a sign that Christ is about to return!

Both Isaiah and the Apostle John refer to three voices—or men—that God speaks through. John the Baptist was the first voice. The two other men have come on the scene in this end time! Can you recognize the voice of God being delivered through one man today?

Each year, thousands of students graduate from colleges all over the world. Yet, what type of education have they received? Many have learned valuable skills that will propel them into productive careers, but are they learning how to really live? Are they learning how to solve this world’s mounting problems or the problems in their own lives?

The Bible is specific about events that will lead directly to the return of Jesus Christ. Once you know the biblical identities of modern nations, current events fit together into prophecy like pieces of a puzzle. Russia and China are two very big pieces of this puzzle. Soon, Russia and China will amass an army of 200 million men. Does that sound incredible? Your Bible says it will happen—and soon!

Why should Jerusalem be important to you? Did you know that world events from this very time to the end of this age are going to revolve around Jerusalem? Do you know what to watch for in Jerusalem?

A secret plot has just been revealed in Europe that is fulfilling a great prophecy in your Bible. We have been saying for over 50 years that a strongman was going to come on the scene to lead Europe. Britain will also be removed from the EU. Now this secret plot reveals some of the details of how this is happening now!

Daniel 11:42-43 mentions specific countries that will be deeply involved in fulfilling end-time prophecies. Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia factor heavily into these prophecies in Daniel. Current events in the Middle East are leading to the return of Jesus Christ!

There is a mysterious prophecy in Psalm 83 that prophesies there’s going to be a dramatic and violent shift in many nations in this end time. Part of this major prophecy is being fulfilled in Syria, and it’s going to change the course of mighty nations on this Earth and shake the foundation of this world as never before.

The word “Zion” is not mentioned at all in the New Testament, but it’s mentioned well over a hundred times in the Old Testament. So why is this word so important to us today? On this program you will see that Zion is a key to unlocking Bible prophecies.

In the book of Hosea God talks about the broken judgment of Israel (which includes the United States, Britain, and Israel in the Middle East). What is the cause of this broken judgment and where is it leading?