Key of David

Learn about the spiritual warfare that began before mankind was created and continues to this day.

True Christians do much more than simply accept Jesus Christ’s sacrifice.

Esther’s history is that of the Jewish people facing annihilation.

Once again, the Jews face the threat of annihilation.

Watch for Germany’s new strongman to appear soon.

Not all cities are equal in importance. The most important city on Earth is Jerusalem.

Herbert W. Armstrong pinpointed a specific trigger that will set off earthshaking events that will change Europe and the United States permanently.

Iran has overthrown Yemen’s government. How it did so gives us a glimpse into its strategy to conquer the Middle East.

Your Bible shows that the two greatest crises in this end time revolve around a physical building.

In the midst of the Cold War, the Soviet Union deployed missiles just 90 miles from the contiguous United States. This was perhaps the closest the world ever came to nuclear war.