Key of David

Many people are aware of the atrocities committed by Germany in World War II but would consider them ancient history. These people are completely unaware of the legacy which Adolf Hitler drew upon in creating his Nazi war machine. His was merely the latest resurrection of a war-making empire with a long and bloody history. Did you know that the Bible prophesied of his regime—as well as the terrible emergence of one last resurrection in our day?

Abraham Lincoln said before the Civil War that a house divided against itself cannot stand. He was quoting the Bible. America was in grave danger of splitting and becoming insignificant on the world scene, making the nation easy for its enemies to conquer. The Jews are also extremely divided today. Is history about to repeat itself, but on a much greater scale?

Our Founding Fathers created the Constitution. It will be perilous if we ignore their deep understanding. The Constitution was established only for a people with strong morals. But we have degenerated terribly in this area. Without character our liberties will lead to deep division and anarchy. Only character can stop that natural flow of events.

The “new thing” is one of the most profound concepts in the Bible. It is a very strong statement about God’s government, and it has everything to do with how we follow Christ today.

It’s positively astounding! It has remained undiscovered by science! No religion has revealed it! Higher education has never taught it! Is it possible the whole world has been deceived—regarding the awesome PURPOSE of human life—about the WAY to world peace and how it will come?

Who or what is the “beast” of the book of Revelation? What does biblical prophecy reveal about world events now leading to Armageddon and the end of this age?

Why is there so much division in our country? Why is our economy failing? Why is the threat of war rampant on this Earth? Why are we at the point of no return?

For over 50 years, Herbert W. Armstrong taught the prophecies of the Bible. Now, these prophecies have come to pass with stunning accuracy!

At one time in American history Bible study was the core of public education. But today the Bible has virtually disappeared from the classroom. What place does the Bible have in education?

The Bible is a mystery to most people. Not only is it a mystery to those in education and science, even religion doesn’t truly understand it! Though that is a shocking statement, you can prove it true. Here is how to remove the mystery of the Bible!