Key of David

The Prophet Jeremiah suffered much persecution. Yet even in his hardest trial, his love for God’s Word pushed him to endure. Is God’s Word a fire in your bones?

There’s a lot of confusion in this world, and we should be able to look to religion to point the way. But we find all kinds of serious, fundamental disagreements in religion. And if you look at the variety of the different gospels—the gospel of Jesus Christ, the gospel of salvation, the gospel of grace, the gospel of the Kingdom, the social gospel, or even the Israel message, etc.—you see all kinds of confusion. How are we to understand the true gospel? Many people have lost that gospel, and the gospel is everything! That’s what the entire message of the Bible is about!

There has been a supreme crisis in the country of Ukraine, located between Russia and Europe—some of our best media journalists have said it is a monumental crisis. This event will change the course of world history. It’s going to take us a giant step closer to World War III, and you’re going to see that happen.

God promises that He will speak to us by His Son in these last days. But how does God do that? How does God speak to His people today, or to this world? You don’t hear a thunderous voice coming from heaven, and yet God says He will speak to us. But how? And where?

The United States and Iran have just concluded a nuclear treaty in Geneva, Switzerland, and it has caused a world sensation. What is it all about? Why is this so sensational to this world?

In the midst of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of Thanksgiving. President Lincoln understood that blessings come only from the great God. Are we being blessed today?

Vladimir Putin is the present ruler of Russia. He said the greatest tragedy of the 20th century was the destruction of the Soviet Empire. He could become the leader of the largest army ever assembled on this Earth! Bible prophecy has a great deal to say about that.

Everything in your Bible revolves around God and His Church. Yet most people don’t know or understand the scriptures about God’s Church. A book in the Old Testament is mainly about the true Church of God and gives a prophecy about what that Church would be like today.

This whole world is deceived about Bible prophecy. How can we understand it? When Jesus Christ was on this Earth, He gave us the focal point of prophesied events in the Olivet Prophecy, which is in Matthew 24. This chapter is the greatest single prophecy that Christ gave when He was on this Earth!

Recently, the Prime Minister of the Jewish state, Benjamin Netanyahu, spoke before the United Nations about the horror of nuclear weapons and how they were being proliferated around the world. Mr. Netanyahu actually discussed Bible prophecy in his address.