Key of David

Time magazine wrote about “Europe’s Dirty Secret” in 1999 and 2008. What is that “dirty secret” of Europe’s that this world needs to understand?

The recent mass murderer in Washington, D.C., who killed thirteen people including himself, said that he was hearing voices. He also said he was led to do it by radio waves. There is one scripture in the New Testament that really does focus on understanding what the motive was in this mass shooting.

It’s positively astounding! It has remained undiscovered by science! No religion has revealed it! Higher education has never taught it! Is it possible the whole world has been deceived—regarding the awesome PURPOSE of human life—about the WAY to world peace and how it will come?

Psalm 83 reveals an alliance of nations that will come against Israel—including America, Britain and the small nation of Israel in the Middle East. Such an alliance never happened anciently. This alliance is forming today!

With so many ideas about the Bible in the world, how can you know who truly understands Bible prophecy? In Isaiah you will find the secret to understand Bible prophecy.

The Syrian leader, Bashar Al Assad, has used chemical weapons on his own people. The U.S. has already sent four warships over there and one submarine, preparing for a possible attack. Syria’s use of WMD is a two-fold sign of the worst news and best news mankind has ever heard!

A prophecy in Jeremiah indicates that the tombs of the righteous kings of Judah will be discovered before Christ returns. But most people lack the faith to believe the prophecies of God.

A fascinating verse in Bible prophecy implies that the Ark of the Covenant is going to be found in this end time.

God Himself is behind the rise of Germany. This is talked about in Revelation 17:7. Why would God be behind this nation’s rise?

This prophetic book of Zechariah has only now been fully understood! The book of Zechariah contains prophecy about two end-time churches of God. One church is doing God’s work. The other church, which is Laodicean, fails in its commission to do God’s work. The key to understanding these churches is a flying scroll. It shows us what God is doing today and where it is all leading.