Key of David

It’s positively astounding! It has remained undiscovered by science! No religion has revealed it! Higher education has never taught it! Is it possible the whole world has been deceived-regarding the awesome PURPOSE of human life-about the WAY to world peace and how it will come?

One of the most misunderstood parts of the Bible is in the book of Genesis. Chapters 1 to 3 discuss the creation of man and the two trees. Do you understand that the two trees explain two different ways of life-one leading to all the problems on Earth today, and the other leading to eternal life?

When Herbert W. Armstrong died in 1986, he left an impressive worldwide work: The church he founded broadcast on over 400 television stations and published a newsmagazine for over 8 million subscribers. What truly distinguished these achievements was that they were built with living faith. What is living faith, and how can you obtain it?

The Bible is a mystery to most people. Not only is it a mystery to those in education and science, even religion doesn’t truly understand it! Though that is a shocking statement, you can prove it true. Here is how to remove the mystery of the Bible!

The U.S. economy is dragging the world down with it. Government continues to try to find a solution. Did you know the only solution is printed on the very money we use?

God ordained marriage is a necessity for having strong families, which are the foundation of every nation. But as our countries struggle today, it is clear that marriage is a mystery to our society.

The U.S. economy is in turmoil! What is the solution to the financial failings of this world? The economies of the entire earth are about to be fixed forever—but only after some very serious correction.

The history of Uzza dying when he caught the ark of the covenant is puzzling to many people. Why would God strike Uzza dead? Understanding the meaning of this history is of the greatest importance to your life!

The Apostle Peter wrote about real hope in his epistles, even as he was about to be crucified. What is this real hope and how can you have it in your life?

Russia’s recent invasion of neighboring Georgia is an ominous sign of wars to come! You need to understand the history and prophecy concerning this military attack!