Key of David

January 2010 will mark the beginning of the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. What will this mean for your life?

God fed Israel manna in the wilderness. Today, God feeds His people with hidden manna. Do you eat the hidden manna of God?

Chapter one of the book of Revelation contains an awesome description of the glorified Christ. Did you know that this is describing your incredible human potential?

What is the key to understanding the Bible’s most important prophetic book? Scholars are confused and offer vague answers. Do you understand this crucial book in your Bible? Here is the only key!

John’s Gospel deals with the most profound subjects in the Bible. Christ personally prepared John to write this deepest of Gospels. How well do you understand the Gospel of John?

Recent government sex scandals have made big headlines. But sex problems are affecting all of America. Are you at risk?

A mystery plague has destroyed nearly all of God’s people. This plague is also destroying America, Britain and Israel in the Middle East. Are you a victim of this mystery plague?

Can Satan control the weather? Can he influence and even possess world rulers? How much do you know about Satan’s power?

What happened to the global humanitarian empire of Herbert W. Armstrong, one of the foremost religious leaders of the 20th century? This special Key of David program discusses the doctrinal hijacking and spiritual destruction of the Worldwide Church of God after the death of its founder. Also, watch personal interviews with Stephen Flurry, author of the book Raising the Ruins.

Who or what is the “beast” of the book of Revelation? What does biblical prophecy reveal about world events now leading to Armageddon and the end of this age?