Putin posits Russian veto over Ukraine sovereignty

Though it seems hardly the stuff to get under Vladimir Putin’s skin, a new law in Ukraine protecting the rights of minorities had the Russian president riled up enough to suggest that Ukraine’s sovereignty is subject to a Russian veto.

The Ukrainian law, which took effect last Friday, was designed to show that the central government is responsible for protecting the legal and cultural rights of Tatars, Karaites and Krymchaks, three minorities that also happen to reside in Crimea. Moscow annexed Crimea in 2014. In Putin’s eyes, that makes them Russian citizens.

After its approval by the Ukrainian legislature, Putin not only protested the law but delivered a 5,000-word written manifesto in which he asserted Ukraine exists as a state due only to Russian tolerance.

“There is no such thing as a separate Ukrainian people,” he said. “They are one with the Russians. The state of Ukraine is an artificial creation, a fluke of history that should be grateful to Russia for allowing it to exist.”

He added: “I am confident that true sovereignty of Ukraine is possible only in partnership with Russia.”

Putin’s essay, published on his presidential website, is an extended version of his long-held view that Ukraine and Russia were separated in error when the Soviet Union fell.

theTrumpet says…

We wrote the following in our October 2008 Trumpet issue: Russia’s attack on Georgia in August marks the beginning of a dangerous new era in history. This was the first military strike of a rising Asian superpower—and there will be more! … Will the Georgia strike actually spark European unification? Will a crisis occur over Ukraine? That area is the breadbasket of Russia, and surely it is willing to wage war over that as well.”

I was certainly right in my predication that Russia would also get control of Ukraine! I knew because Putin has a long pattern of diabolical evil on the level of Joseph Stalin. An abundance of fruits prove that. The Bible states: “by their fruits ye shall know them” (Matthew 7:20). …

Putin has long known that if Ukraine allied with Europe, it would significantly diminish his power. His goal is to resurrect the Soviet empire. The architecture of that empire was built around Ukraine being a part of it. Ukraine is the breadbasket of Russia. To this day, Russia’s largest military base outside its own borders is in Ukraine.

Putin applied all that pressure on Ukraine because that nation is the linchpin of his goal of a renewed imperial Russia! A linchpin is the pin in an axle that keeps the wheel from coming off. Mr. Putin was doing everything in his power to keep the wheels from falling off his dream of a new Soviet empire. And that meant applying intense pressure on Ukraine.

The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia,’ by Gerald Flurry