The weaponisation of western children

To watch the teenage climate-change zealot Greta Thunberg at the UN was a distressing experience.

Not, though, for the reasons she intended. What was so distressing was to see this very vulnerable child’s anguish and rage at the world’s failure to put modernity itself into reverse, in order to combat a supposedly unstoppable apocalypse for which no plausible evidence whatever exists but over which nightmarish vision she and countless others are being terrified out of their wits by worthless or outright fraudulent studies which they have been led to believe constitute “settled” and unchallengeable science, heaven help us, and through which bogus emergency they are being used and manipulated to create global hysteria.

In other words, it’s a kind of madness, a repudiation of reason, that has now gripped great swathes of the world. But it’s even more sinister than that. For what appears to be emerging is a new strategy by those who want to destroy capitalism and the west…

What is now becoming clear, however, is that “climate change” is ancillary to the real issue – and that is nothing less than the destruction of capitalism and western society and culture

And now children are being used to bring about this revolutionary agenda. What we are witnessing is the weaponisation of children.