The Boy Who Became King


The Boy Who Became King

Why it’s important for children to use their time wisely.

God designed mankind, including children, to desire the sense of fulfillment that comes from performing a task well. We like to be good at what we do. But, like most people, we may find that far too much of the time, we devote hours to perfecting trivial accomplishments—reaching a higher level on a video game, for example, instead of going after the things that really matter.

A recent study revealed that almost 5 million Americans play video games at least 40 hours a week—the same amount of time as a full-time job. Imagine what skills and talents these millions of Americans could develop—what greater things they could accomplish—if they devoted that time to more useful pursuits! Our children are in a particularly prime position to develop useful skills or talents with their free time—time that is much more difficult to come by during adulthood.

In the days of ancient Israel, God was looking for one such youth—one who was productive and diligent with his time—who could one day replace Saul as king of Israel. In His search, God sent the Prophet Samuel to the house of Jesse. There, Samuel was instructed, he was to anoint one of Jesse’s sons to become the new king of Israel (1 Samuel 16).

As Jesse presented his seven sons, one after the other, Samuel couldn’t help but think they were all perfectly suited to be king. Judging by their appearance, all of them seemed like great choices! But as each son passed by, God told Samuel that this son was not the one chosen (verses 1-10).

God told Samuel, “Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart” (verse 7). God does not see man as man sees man. He doesn’t look for Hollywood’s next attractive star—He looks at who we are.

In developing our own character, we are told by God to focus on how we look on the inside first, before we worry about what’s on the surface (Matthew 23:25-26). That’s how we become individuals of substance—of upright character.

After God had rejected seven of Jesse’s sons, Samuel pressed the father to see if there were any other children in the family (1 Samuel 16:11). As it happened, Jesse had one more son who was in the fields tending to the sheep.

In verse 12, we finally meet David—the youngest of eight brothers. David was a pleasant-looking, average-size young man who had developed into an outstanding musician and poet. He was smart and physically strong. He spent much of his time in the fields of Judea and often slept outdoors. As a youth, he wrestled and killed a lion and a bear. Even as a simple shepherd, David demonstrated the traits of a courageous warrior—taking on ferocious animals if he had to. He had developed a balanced and well-rounded personality, even as a young man.

And yet, considering how his father overlooked him when Samuel arrived, David certainly wasn’t considered the star of the family. God actually chose the boy the rest of the family had voted “least likely to succeed”! Goliath would later disdain David because of his youthful, ruddy appearance (1 Samuel 17:42).

But God was impressed with this young man’s heart.

Even though David was converted to God’s way of life as a teenager, he didn’t become king for another 17 years. At this point in the account, Samuel anointed him and sent him right back into the field (1 Samuel 16:13). That says a lot about the timeline of our conversion. David didn’t just luckily stumble into his kingship—he needed experience over time in order to grow—to overcome sin and to build faith.

David’s rise as a young man coincided with the decline of Saul, who had lost God’s Holy Spirit and was being harassed by demons. Under heavy demonic influence, Saul became deeply discouraged—he alternated between suicidal depression and fiery rage (verses 14-15). His emotional instability tormented him so much that his advisers became gravely concerned about his well-being. Finally, Saul agreed to have them find someone who could play soothing music to comfort him (verses 16-17).

Notice verse 18: “Then answered one of the servants, and said, Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, that is cunning in playing, and a mighty valiant man, and a man of war, and prudent in matters, and a comely person, and the Lord is with him.”

These characteristics of David may not have been widely known to others at the time, but this individual in the king’s court obviously knew David and was well aware of his unique skill set. He knew David was an accomplished musician and that he was “prudent in matters”—meaning he was a skillful communicator. During his life, David probably wrote hundreds of poems, psalms and songs.

After this glowing review from his servant, Saul arranged to have David come play for him (verses 19-20). Verse 21 says, “And David came to Saul, and stood before him: and he loved him greatly; and he became his armourbearer.”

Thus began a beautiful relationship that ended up revealing so much about David’s character. David was the rightful heir to the throne, yet there was not a hint of jealousy or competition in the way he treated Saul. In fact, he became one of Saul’s most trusted advisers! As long as Saul remained king of Israel, David humbly submitted to him.

This is why God chose David to be king. David loved Saul greatly. He loved people. And he demonstrated that godly love by his actions.

The Jamieson, Faussett and Brown Commentary writes, “Providence thus prepared David for his destiny, by placing him in a way to become acquainted with the manners of the court, the business of government, and the general state of the kingdom.”

The fact that David was Saul’s armor-bearer shows the incredible favor and honor Saul had bestowed upon him.

David worked faithfully to use uplifting, wholesome music to drive away the evil spirits that plagued Saul (verses 22-23). These verses highlight how powerful godly music can be—it can actually be used as a tremendous force for good.

But they also reveal much about how David must have spent his time as a young man. To be such an accomplished musician at such a young age means David must have devoted many hours, days and years of his youth to develop his talents. Besides that, he was a courageous and faithful shepherd who later became a loyal adviser in Saul’s court. David didn’t waste his youth on trivial things. He was an active, productive young man who diligently developed all sides of his personality. Above all, David loved people and strove to live by the law of God.

Remember the example of this young shepherd boy who devoted his time to music, outdoor activities, diligent labor and in-depth meditation on God’s law. God was able to take this young man—who few thought would amount to anything—and turn him into a king!