Why Won’t a Real Man Stand Up?


Why Won’t a Real Man Stand Up?

Can a second feminist revolution save America?

For the first time since the Cold War, doomsday shelters are making a comeback. As the economy collapses, builders of fortified bunkers are constructing underground facilities at the fastest pace in 30 years.

Why all the demand?

In the words of the Investor’s Business Daily, “Fear and uncertainty stalk the land.”

There is a sense of helplessness—that events are spiraling out of control, and that there is nothing anyone can do about it.

And it is not just average people on the street who feel this way either. At between $400,000 to $41 million a pop, it is the rich, powerful and influential who are buying their own personal escape plans—shelters that can hold anywhere from 10 to 2,000 people from one to five years with power, food, water and filtered air.

It doesn’t help that Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Ben Bernanke recently admitted that America’s financial future is “unusually uncertain.”

People of the nation are craving a George Washington or Winston Churchill to stand up and tell them that everything will be all right—and more importantly—show them how that will be so.

Instead, they are left with compromised politicians, special interests and hidden agendas. Left fights right. New regulations to supposedly fix the economy are pushed by socialists, and then watered down by moneyed capitalists. Useless bureaucracy strangles small business. Politicians save the “too big to fail” Wall Street banks, then encourage them to grow even bigger. The small local banks collapse, and get eaten by the big banks. The biggest banking problem of all—the Federal Reserve—is handed even more power to “prevent” financial meltdown, even though it was a leading cause of the financial meltdown. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan rage on. America can’t afford to stay, but it can’t afford to leave. America’s budget deficit is exploding. Trillions of dollars borrowed and spent to “stimulate” the economy—with seemingly little or no appreciable effect. All the while, the rolls of the unemployed grow, mortgage defaults escalate and personal bankruptcies surge. And now, for the first time since the 1960s, racial tension is becoming a national problem again.

So people buy their bunkers, their farms in the country, or boats to get off the island. They stockpile food, guns and diapers. They purchase gold and silver.

And they wonder: Can America be fixed?

The Wall Street Journal’s Paul Farrell says yes, but it will take a revolution—a feminist one.

America is in a “race against time” to prevent “self-destruction” says Farrell. And women need to take action. “Alpha-males running America are … little boys … overdosing the real world with too much edgy testosterone … aggressive, arrogant, narcissistic … bullies … gambling in history’s greatest casino.”

According to Farrell, America’s “so-called leaders” are “taking America down with their childish games.”

“Too much testosterone is killing our world,” and “Unless women take control of Wall Street and America, ‘The End’ is near.” The only way to avoid this fate is if all levels of society force women into more leadership roles, he says.

Would a person be a better leader just because she is a woman? Could America’s problems be fixed if more women were in office?

This is a naive—grasping-at-straws—view. All people are subject to human nature and its manifestations of greed, vanity, lust, etc. Pulls of the flesh work in everyone. This year alone, eight members of Congress were under investigation for allegations of ethical or criminal wrongdoing—both men and women.

But it is also a sad reflection of the state of true, righteous, masculine leadership in America today. Where are the real men? Gone are the leaders who stand up for right, for good—regardless of the political cost. Gone are the leaders who call a spade a spade because it is a spade and not because it is just politically correct. Gone are the men who lead on principle as opposed to polls.

Is it any wonder that America is falling apart so rapidly? Its men are broken.

But society is broken too. Even if such a true masculine man were to run for office, he would be rejected because people like to hear smooth things. No one likes the truth when it hurts.

No one likes to be told that America’s economic system is broken, that the dollar will lose its reserve currency status, that America will not be able to pay its bills, that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will be severely cut, that standards of living will fall drastically, that people won’t have money for Starbucks anymore. That America is in irreversible decline. That people need to wake up.

In ancient Israel, some people tried to kill the prophets for such messages. But when the people heeded the warning, disaster was averted and the nation blessed.

The Prophet Isaiah warned that the time would come when America would have a crippling lack of righteous, masculine leadership (Isaiah 3:2-3). During this time period, the “mighty man … the judge, and the prophet, and the prudent and the ancient … and the honourable man and the counsellor, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator” would be taken away.

Isaiah says that instead, women and children would rule and that conditions would continue to deteriorate until you couldn’t even give leadership positions to men if you wanted to (Isaiah 3:7).

Don’t look for a menaissance any time soon.