Chinese Unemployment Threatens Social Unrest

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Chinese Unemployment Threatens Social Unrest

Can Beijing maintain law and order in the midst of an economic catastrophe?

The biggest economic challenge facing China today is increasing unemployment. While the national unemployment rate is currently 4 percent, one recent study predicts this figure could rise to 14 percent before the economic crisis subsides. This means the number of unemployed Chinese could rise to 170 million.

Prime Minister Wen Jiabao said last week that if the Chinese economy does not grow by at least 8 percent this year, the country risks political destabilization and social unrest.

In the midst of this economic downturn, the Chinese government is increasing military spending by 14.9 percent. In the near future, China may move to avert social catastrophe and solve many of its unemployment problems through massive military conscription. The Bible foretells a time when an Asian military alliance will amass an army of 200 million men (Revelation 9:16).

For more information on China’s future role in world events, read Russia and China in Prophecy.