Russia and Germany Discuss New Alliance

Dmitry Astakhov/AFP/Getty Images

Russia and Germany Discuss New Alliance

The leaders of Germany and Russia discussed the possibility of a new collective security agreement between their countries at their biannual bilateral government summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Thursday.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev discussed a wide range of issues, including topics related to the Georgia-Russia war, energy, and the global financial crisis. “One topic of discussion was even more intense,” however, writes Stratfor: “a new collective security agreement between Europe and Russia, dubbed Helsinki ii” (October 2). Stratfor reports:

The so-called Helsinki ii pact would echo the Helsinki agreement in 1975 that entailed closer relations between Europe and the Soviet Union. The agreement emerged at a time when the United States appeared weak after being tied down in Vietnam, and European politicians were experimenting with “ostpolitik,” a tactic of seeking rapport with the Soviets.

The Russian-pushed proposal for an agreement between Russia and Europe outside of nato is designed to undermine the U.S.-dominated nato alliance, says Stratfor.

As both Russia and Germany move toward expanding their spheres of influence at America’s expense, they are increasingly looking to each other. In fact, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has indicated that behind closed doors, Russia and Germany may well have already made a pact.

This should be cause for grave concern, seeing as, historically, Germany has repeatedly made a pact with Russia before turning on the West.

As Stratfor writes (October 3), rather than confronting Russia now,

It could be far easier for the Germans to cut a deal with the Russians to share influence in the regions that lie between them. This has happened before—and has been known to lead to a world war. The winds of history are blowing through Merkel’s window, and it would be truly odd for her to not have felt a bitter chill.

Herbert W. Armstrong warned for many years that another non-aggression treaty between Russia and Germany would spell out Germany’s intention to dominate the rest of the Western world once again.

In 1961, Mr. Armstrong wrote, “United, … European nations can protect themselves from Russia. They will make a deal with the ussra non-aggression pact. Then the Germans, who will dominate, remembering it was U.S. power that twice defeated them in world war, will attack the United States, destroying our cities.So says prophecy!” (Co-worker letter, Oct. 23, 1961).

We can now see such a pact being formed before our eyes. For more, read “Russia’s Attack Signals Dangerous New Era” and “Dangerous Liaisons.”