The Truth About Mixed Fabrics

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The Truth About Mixed Fabrics

Is it a sin for a Christian to wear clothes made of mixed fabrics?

Leviticus 19:19 states: “Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.”

Deuteronomy 22:11 reiterates the principle in this fashion: “Thou shalt not wear a garment of divers sorts, as of woollen and linen together.”

The physical principle found in these verses could be likened to a “consumer protection law” today. These scriptures simply point out that materials of widely differing character and texture are not to be combined. Some do not realize, though, that these verses do allow a number of mixtures and combinations that are within God’s guidelines.

There are two basic types of fibers from which today’s garments are made. Firstly, there is plant cellulose fiber. It produces fabrics such as linen and cotton. Secondly, there is animal protein fiber. Materials such as wool and silk are in this category. Because these two basic kinds of fibers differ markedly in strength, washability, and absorption, they should not be mixed.

A garment made with a combination of cellulose material—for example, a mixture of cotton and linen—is acceptable because the combined fibers are basically similar. For the same reason, clothes made from mixtures of protein fibers such as wool, mohair, or silk, are also acceptable.

Wearing clothing containing man-made fabrics, such as Dacron, nylon, polyester, and rayon, mixed with either cellulose or protein fibers would not violate the above-mentioned principle because synthetic materials are made to have essentially the same characteristics as the natural fibers. In other words, fabric made with mixtures of synthetic fibers and cellulose or protein fibers are permissible since they contain mixtures of like, rather than dissimilar fibers. If they did not, the stronger fibers would cut and tear away from the weaker ones.

A garment made from low-grade natural fibers is usually improved by the addition of compatible man-made fibers. Still, such combinations as these produce an inferior-quality garment than one made with the highest grade of pure fabric. The best quality clothing is made from 100 percent virgin wool, pure cotton, and so forth.

A wise principle to follow in purchasing either a pure or mixed garment is to buy the best quality you can afford for yourself and your family. Keep in mind that the genuine article is always of better quality than the artificial.