The Deportation Mandate

Eighty migrants from Guatemala are deported to their country from El Paso, Texas, on January 30.
Christian Torres/Anadolu via Getty Images

The Deportation Mandate

The American people voted for major reform and now they are starting to receive it.

The United States government is finally enforcing border laws and stopping the flood of illegal immigration.

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data, the average number of illegal aliens encountered trying to cross the southern border with Joe Biden in the White House was 6,501 per day. In President Donald Trump’s first week in office, this number plummeted by 90 percent. On January 26, the number of illegal aliens encountered crossing the border was only 582.

What a difference an inauguration makes!

On his first afternoon in office (January 20), President Trump signed an executive order directing the U.S. military to protect the nation’s territorial integrity and seal the Mexican border. He also signed an executive order directing federal agencies to build a border wall and start arresting illegal aliens who have committed crimes. A third order authorized removal of those who are residing in the United States illegally.

The military responded to the commander in chief’s order and immediately deployed 1,600 troops, including 500 marines and soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division and the 10th Mountain Division.

Meanwhile, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement began arresting illegal aliens immediately: at least 3,552 in the last week. Liberals in politics and the corporate media are hyperventilating over these orders to secure the border and deport criminals. Yet despite their threats, there have been no popular protests. Most Americans are fine with the government enforcing immigration laws.

Illegal immigration and inflation were the top issues that moved voters to cast their ballots for Mr. Trump in November. A new Associated Press-nocr Center for Public Affairs Research poll shows 82 percent of Americans support deporting all illegal aliens who have been convicted of a violent crime. Some 43 percent of Americans support deporting all illegal aliens.

The ease with which President Trump sealed the border in less that 24 hours shows that the open border was a deliberate choice made by Joe Biden (along with Kamala Harris and, behind the scenes, Barack Obama). The radical liberal elites could have taken any number of steps to reduce the flow, but they neglected, avoided and, in fact, incentivized and facilitated illegal border crossings and dispersion into the interior. The presence of 9 million new illegal aliens (equivalent to the entire population of Austria) in this country after just four years under Biden and the radicals is not, for them, a failure: It’s a success.

What was border security like at the lower levels? We got a peek when one former employee of the Army Corps of Engineers released a TikTok video describing abuses she witnessed during her time in the federal government. The abuses were not against illegal aliens: They were against the law and the nation. She describes Army Corps of Engineers employees drinking margaritas, running their own side hustles, and napping while they were notionally defending America’s borders under Biden and Harris.

Obama made Biden president, and Biden (or Obama) made Kamala Harris “border czar” and Alejandro Mayorkas secretary of Homeland Security to facilitate the continuing flow of illegal aliens into America. Obama-aligned figures at the United Nations helped import even more illegal aliens from around the world. The radical left was clearly using mass immigration as a weapon to fundamentally transform America. This subversive plan to destroy this country would never have stopped without the return of President Trump.

We must thank God for this reprieve. Deuteronomy 28:52 prophesies that if America turns away from God’s law, it will be besieged in all its gates until its “high and fenced walls come down.” Commenting on this verse, my father, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry, wrote in the November-December 2014 Trumpet:

Aren’t we seeing that take place right now? This is talking about a virtually open border where foreigners flood into the land. Illegal immigrants are streaming over the Mexican border in droves—and that is clearly the way some of our leaders want it.

Do you realize that the immigration problem befalling America right now is actually prophesied here in Deuteronomy?

For most of the past 16 years, the U.S. has been under siege. A 10-day-old presidency has stopped the flow of illegal aliens into America using only a few thousand troops.

But this is merely a reprieve. We must use this momentary window of opportunity to recognize that we almost lost our country—and not just because of Biden or Obama. God allowed us to come face-to-face with national destruction not just so we would “vote Trump,” but so we would realize there is something wrong with us. As previous great presidents like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt have told us, we must face our own sins, our own moral flaws, even our own flawed religions. More than that, we must now truly repent toward God. The resurgence we are experiencing under President Trump is temporary. Use it, before it is too late, to turn to God.

We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth, and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.
—Abraham Lincoln, March 30, 1863

Request your free copy of Repentance Toward God, by Gerald Flurry.