Barack Obama Has Been Silenced
The same people who wielded so much power over America so recently are now running scared. Even the New York Times is questioning why Joe Biden’s official vote total was 81 million in 2020, but Kamala Harris received only 74 million votes. Wasn’t Kamala supposed to be the second coming of Barack Obama?
The media certainly did its best to give people that impression. But now that the votes have been counted, it’s clear that Obama is losing his influence.
Multiple inside sources informed the New York Post that, after Biden’s disastrous debate against Donald Trump in June, it was Obama who orchestrated the “palace coup” that forced Biden to give up his reelection campaign. You might remember how Biden, the sitting president of the United States, disappeared from public view for days and how the momentous announcement came not at a press conference or televised address but rather as a social media post on X. These same sources say that Obama, along with Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer, wanted to hold a “mini primary” and install a Democratic candidate with a strong chance of beating Trump.
But Biden was bitter about being forced out, and it appears that saddling the Democratic Party with Kamala Harris as its 2024 presidential candidate was a way to get back at Obama—and it introduced one of the first major cracks in Obama’s power.
After Biden’s reelection withdrawal announcement came out, he quickly followed it up with, “Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year.”
This contrasted against Barack Obama’s, “I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.”
Bill and Hillary Clinton backed Biden’s public endorsement of Harris, and the plans for “a mini primary” were abandoned. Four days later, Barack and Michelle reluctantly endorsed Kamala in a bid to unify the Democratic Party against Trump. But Obama, who had wielded power over the Democratic Party and the nation so completely for so long was now losing his grip.
He wasn’t driving events. Events were driving him.
Obama made appearances to try to help Democrats win 2024, but they were largely impotent. One memorable example was his surprise stop at a Pittsburgh Democratic campaign office on October 10, where he lectured black men for not supporting Harris to the same extent that they had supported him because she is a woman. But reaching past “racist” to “sexist” in his formerly powerful toolkit of accusations only highlighted his diminished influence. Journalists used to fawn over Obama’s every word, but now many of them rightly recognized him as belittling black men. In the end, Obama failed to impact the trend: Although the majority of black voters still voted Democrat, the percentage that voted for Donald Trump doubled from 2020 and helped him win the election.
In my father’s book America Under Attack, he highlights how the media formerly swooned over Obama. “Reporters swooning and acting like nervous teenagers around a politician is not normal,” he writes. “I have never seen anything like it in American politics! … Because the media swooned over President Obama, he was never held accountable. He was able to amass enormous power to do virtually whatever he willed to do.”
Well, the media isn’t swooning anymore. In fact, many media networks are blaming Obama for Trump’s victory. They say Obama’s efforts to push Biden out of the race ended up helping Trump!
What a contrast to 2020, when Obama steamrolled Democrats, democracy and the nation to take his preferred candidate and install him in the White House.
Blaming Obama is one strategy for explaining why the candidate we were told was so popular received 7 million fewer votes than the career politician who campaigned from his basement.
Another explanation is that many, many, many votes in 2020 were fraudulent.
Do you remember how President Trump was leading the election on Nov. 3, 2020? How election officials in crucial areas stopped the counting? How large numbers of unverified mail-in ballots started pouring in until Biden was declared the winner days later? Some of us do. And now that the 2024 numbers are in, many more people are remembering it too. Even some Democrats have half-jokingly said, Wow, maybe we did cheat.
Obama expected large numbers of votes to come in after Election Day 2024. Going in, support for Donald Trump was strong—even stronger than in 2020. But he, apparently, had a plan. Just before polls started closing on November 5, he posted this to social media:
It took several days to count every ballot in 2020, and it’s very likely we won’t know the outcome tonight either. So please keep a few things in mind as you make your voice heard today: Thousands of election workers around the country are working hard today. Respect them.
Obama knew the only way to win was to turn Election Day into Election Week, like in 2020. But the black men of Pittsburgh weren’t listening to Obama this year, and neither were election officials. There have been some reports of mysterious late-night ballot drops in Wisconsin, but too few unverified mail-in ballots came in this year to alter the overall election. For the most part, officials counted ballots at the normal rate. And when you have Americans voting normally, officials counting normally, and it taking the normal amount of time, you get a big, beautiful win for Donald Trump just a few hours after the polls close.
Many people were shocked at how quickly Donald Trump won the 2024 elections after Obama told them to prepare for days of slow counting. Is this really the end of the Obama era?
Obama biographer David Garrow thinks this is the case. He recently told the Daily Mail that Obama’s current political relevance is at the level of Bill Clinton. That’s a pretty low level of relevance for someone who had the power to bend this nation to his will and fundamentally transform the United States of America while in office, while out of office and while using the office like a puppet.
What a change! How can you explain it? America is still full of radical-leftist journalists, educators, politicians, judges and “deep state” agents with a lot of power. Many of them still have the same goals and motivations. Many are perhaps even more motivated now than ever to resist President Trump because they are now even deeper into immoral, illegal and even treasonous actions than they were before. But their power is largely broken because his power is largely broken. As my father has said for years, Obama and the spirit empowering him made all the difference for the radical left. And as he has said for months now, God Himself is now intervening and silencing Obama!
Amos 7 is the key. My father has explained this as a prophecy for the end time, specifically regarding Barack Obama and Donald Trump and their effects on the nation.
Amos 7:1-6 describe a time when the nations that descended from ancient Israel (which includes the U.S.) are about to be blotted out. But two times Amos pleads with God for mercy, and God spares. Verse 7 conveys an abrupt change. The leader involved here is clearly King Jeroboam ii, and my father has said—emphatically and consistently—that the end-time fulfillment of this king is President Donald Trump!
“When you understand who the modern fulfillment of Jeroboam is, the fact that the first part of this chapter is discussing Barack Obama is clear,” he wrote in the September issue of the Philadelphia Trumpet. “But it is conspicuous that this man is never mentioned directly in the prophecy, though that is exactly who it is talking about. Why the omission? I have come to realize that the reason God does not mention this modern-day type of Antiochus in this passage is that He is beginning to silence this man! Barack Obama’s power is diminishing before our eyes. … A big part of silencing Obama will be the return of Donald Trump to the presidency, which I have forecast ever since the 2020 election coup.”
This was written before Mr. Trump’s landslide victory! We can now see that this forecast is being fulfilled.
There are still many leftist radicals in America and its government, including numerous deep state apparatchiks with a lot of power. But that giddiness, that influence, that spirit, that power that Obama had over the entire radical left has been massively diminished.
It will likely take a while for Mr. Trump to purge the government of “Obama people,” but more and more people are recognizing that the era of Obama is ending.
Barack Hussein Obama built his career by speaking like a moderate while acting like a Communist radical. But a number of younger Democrats—such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib—declare their radicalism proudly. That strategy backfired as millions of Democrats saw more clearly what was happening and left that party.
God is unmasking the puppet master behind the Biden administration to let people see the extent of the sickness that has beset American politics. You can expect much more earthshaking exposures in the near future, because Americans have to see the truth: The depth of corruption in our government and, yes, in our society and in ourselves runs extremely deep. Our nation has been brought to the brink and remains in danger, but God has used President Trump to save it from destruction—temporarily—so that we can have the opportunity to learn about, admit to and repent of our sins.
If you’re ready to realize the individual accountability each of us has to the God who made America great in the first place, request a free copy of America Under Attack, by Gerald Flurry. It explains the prophecies of 2 Kings 14 and Amos 7 and puts them in the context of other end-time prophecies for America.