Germany Looks East: The Revival of the Weimar Triangle

From left: French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk join hands at a press conference at the Chancellery in Berlin on March 15.
ODD ANDERSEN/AFP via Getty Images

Germany Looks East: The Revival of the Weimar Triangle

A decades-old alliance is being resurrected to accelerate the militarization and unification of Europe.

In 1991, following the Cold War and the fall of the Iron Curtain, France, Germany and Poland forged a special relationship called the Weimar Triangle. The group was intended to help Poland emerge from Communist rule and promote stronger cooperation between the three after a bloody history.

The alliance was kept on ice between 2015 and 2023 while Poland’s anti-German, euroskeptic Law and Justice (PiS) party was in power. However, with Russia’s continued encroachment on Eastern Europe and Poland’s recent election of a pro-German government under Donald Tusk, the door for the Weimar Triangle has reopened.

It started in February, when all three countries’ foreign ministers met in France, followed by a meeting in Germany in March between French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk to discuss the European Union’s posture toward Ukraine.

Poland: The Mediator?

Macron and Scholz have repeatedly butted heads over the Ukraine issue: Germany has accused France of not pulling its weight on defense spending for Ukraine; France has accused Germany of “half-hearted” enthusiasm for production of its joint next-generation battle tank; Scholz ruled out Macron’s idea to send troops to Ukraine; Macron wants Europe to rely on its own defense, while Scholz would rather maintain defense ties with the United States.

Amid the bickering, Poland claims it can be the mediator. Tusk could be “the game changer” Germany and France need, according to Alberto Alemanno, a law professor at hec Paris. “He is leading the redemocratization of his country, his position is strong, he can really come as facilitator and get the best out of leaders,” Alemanno added.

The Weimar alliance was historically dominated by German-Polish relations, and that still seems to be the case. On July 2, Scholz met with Tusk in Warsaw, Poland, in an effort to mend any tensions from World War ii. Scholz offered defense support along Poland’s eastern border, reparations for victims of the Nazi occupation and the construction of a memorial. The two declared they feel responsible for Europe’s security, as both contribute far more to the war effort in Ukraine than France does.

However, Poland still views France as a valuable ally in encouraging Germany to be more aggressive toward Russia. Both want Berlin to deliver Taurus missiles to Ukraine, something Scholz has refused to do. Poland, like France, also fears Europe will no longer have the U.S. backing it needs if Donald Trump wins the upcoming presidential election. To become more independent, both countries advocate joint EU financing of defense projects, which Germany currently opposes.

Whether Poland can fix the rift between France and Germany remains to be seen. Whether a potential victory for the nationalist far-right party National Rally in the French elections will weaken the Weimar alliance also remains to be seen. But the three nations certainly agree on one thing: Military cooperation is necessary.

Weimar vs. Russia

On June 24, the defense ministers of the three countries met for the first time since 2015. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said European arsenals face a serious “capability gap” exposed by Russia’s war on Ukraine. To counter this, the Weimar Triangle will set up a mechanism to produce “deep precision strike weapons” including cruise missiles, which other European nations can join.

It’s a realization, especially in Germany … that we are really in a fundamentally different world. The foreign policies, especially of the French and the Germans in recent years, simply don’t work anymore.

Getting this sort of weapons capacity in Europe gives the Europeans the ability to forestall a Russian invasion if and should Ukraine fall, because the Poles know that they’re next, and the Germans are fearful that [the Russians] are after the Poles.
Peter Zeihan, geopolitical strategist

The same day, French Defense Minister Sébastien Lecornu announced his country would join the military Schengen agreement signed by Poland, Germany and the Netherlands. This deal allows for easy movement of troops and military equipment between the states.

Polish Defense Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz said his country will host Germany and France for joint military exercises next year. They will practice for a potential attack from Russia on the eastern flank of the EU. These exercises show Europe is looking for ways to improve its military and operate independently, outside of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

If the three continue to work together, the combination of the EU’s largest economy, a nuclear power and permanent United Nations Security Council member, and the most populous and most important country in Central Europe could create a formidable alliance that is worth watching.

Unification of East and West

A revived and weaponized Weimar Triangle would also accelerate a trend the Trumpet has been watching for decades: the militarization and unification of Western and Eastern Europe. We have maintained this forecast because the sure word of prophecy reveals clearly what will happen.

A prophecy in Daniel 2 uses an image of a statue to foretell the rise of four major world empires that rule successively. The two legs of iron in the statue picture the final world-ruling empire: the Roman Empire. Revelation 17 shows this empire is resurrected 10 times.

As Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains in Daniel Unlocks Revelation, the legs show that this empire would combine Western and Eastern Europe. The final resurrection, represented by the 10 toes, will consist of five nations in the West and five in the East.

The late Herbert W. Armstrong, religious educator and founder of the Trumpet’s predecessor magazine, the Plain Truth, used these prophecies to show that Eastern Europe would break free from communism and unite with Western Europe. He also pointed to the nations that today form the Weimar Triangle as being part of those 10 toes, or “kings,” as Revelation 17:12 calls them.

Remarkably, Mr. Armstrong made these forecasts during the Cold War era when such a unification seemed nearly impossible. In 1980, he wrote in a co-worker letter:

It now looks entirely feasible that Yugoslavia may be included in this revived Roman Empire. Also the pope’s native Poland and Romania, and possibly Hungary. Add Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal and France. There will be a union of 10 nations in the general area of the medieval Roman Empire in the new united Europe. … I have been forecasting this revived Roman Empire publicly since February 1934! Now it may go together suddenly, rapidly!

Events today show that this united Europe is about to emerge. Watch relations between Eastern and Western Europe improve as the Continent transforms into the last major militaristic superpower before Jesus Christ returns.

To understand more about the Daniel 2 image and the tremendous hope tied to it, read Mr. Flurry’s booklet Daniel Unlocks Revelation. To understand how Mr. Armstrong made such accurate predictions based on the Bible, request a free copy of He Was Right.