Is the AfD Really Nazi?

Is the AfD Really Nazi?
The Alternative für Deutschland is an ultra-nationalist party. It shares some important similarities with the Nazi Party. It wants Germany to reject migrants, to be more assertive nationally, and to fundamentally change its view of history, particularly of World War ii.
One of the AfD’s top leaders, Björn Höcke, said in a 2017 speech: “German history is handled as rotten and made to look ridiculous.” He said German attempts to commemorate and apologize for World War ii are a “stupid coping policy” and called Germany’s Holocaust memorial “a monument of shame in the heart of its capital.” The nation needs a “180-degree reversal on the politics of remembrance.” “The AfD is the last revolutionary, the last peaceful chance for our fatherland,” he said, and the crowd chanted, “Deutschland! Deutschland!”
The same year, AfD leader Alexander Gauland said, “If the French are rightly proud of their emperor and the Britons of Nelson and Churchill, we have the right to be proud of the achievements of the German soldiers in two world wars.”
Four years later, Höcke used the slogan “Alles für Deutschland” (Everything for Germany). That was the slogan of Hitler’s Stormtroopers, the military wing of his Nazi Party. It is forbidden in Germany today. Höcke was fined €13,000 for using it.
Last year, AfD leader Tino Chrupalla said, “I find it fundamentally problematic to always link commemoration with the question of guilt.” Germany needed to stop feeling guilty. “Historical guilt should no longer determine the way we act,” he said. His comments didn’t raise any eyebrows—but they were really no different from Höcke’s comments in 2017, which stirred a lot of controversy. By 2023, these kinds of statements had become normal.
Compact is a magazine by and for AfD supporters. It presents a view of World War ii in which Germany is the victim. Its special editions have included:
- “Lost Homeland,” describing the “unspeakable suffering” of the 14 million Germans expelled from Eastern Europe after the war and the “martyrdom they had to endure”
- “Crimes Against Germans,” on how Germany was victimized during World War ii
- “Dresden 1945: The Dead, the Perpetrators and the Trivializers,” on the “Anglo-American bombing terror” and the “mass murderer” Winston Churchill
- “The Death Camps of the Americans,” which accuses Gen. Dwight Eisenhower of carrying out the mass execution of German prisoners of war in 1945
“The German soldiers fought mostly chivalrously and honorably in the Second World War,” stated Compact. There were only a small number of criminals, and “offenses were usually severely punished by the military justice system.”
It is hard to argue that the Nazis were actually the good guys. So Compact tries to show that both Axis and Allies were equally bad and that the Nazis were unfairly condemned by history.
Even now, according to Compact, Germany is the victim of a vast American conspiracy. Hitler’s agreement with Stalin to divide Eastern Europe between them is held up as an example to be copied. Germany needs to ally with Russia to escape America’s trap.
This worldview is rapidly growing in Germany. Ordinary Germans are starting to support these kinds of extreme ideas.
An Italian electronic dance tune has become a kind of AfD anthem. Crowds of Germans are replacing its lyrics with words like, “Germany for the Germans, foreigners out.” And it’s not just skinheads singing along: It’s wealthy businessmen and private school students. It’s now the most downloaded song in Germany.
Last year, Spiegel interviewed ordinary people on the street about politics. Here’s one exchange:
Citizen: “If the nsdap [Nazi Party] leads again in the elections, then I’ll come back.”
Reporter: “Well, you can’t say that.”
Citizen: “Yes, you can.”
Reporter: “The nsdap … killed 6 million Jews.”
Citizen: (shrugs shoulders)
Reporter: “Do you really think it would be good to have fascists again in parliament?”
Citizen: “Well, do you think it’s better in today’s parliament? Look, [they] just talk and don’t do anything.”
It is truly stunning that this is happening in modern Germany. But if you know biblical prophecy, it should not be a surprise.