Attacked From the Right

Attacked From the Right
Right-wing commentator Tucker Carlson published a 40-minute interview with Munther Isaac in April. Isaac was presented as a neutral Christian pastor in Bethlehem who argues that Israel has a secular, anti-Christian government.
Carlson neglected to mention that Isaac was a pro-Hamas partisan who celebrated the October 7 attack. Isaac said, “If God wanted the Jews to have the land … I didn’t want that God anymore!” He consistently uses the same language and false accusations as the radical left to delegitimize Israel.
Carlson also did not mention that when the Jews ruled Bethlehem, it was 80 percent Christian. Once the Jews were forced out, it became 80 percent Muslim. He also failed to point out that Arab Christians in Israel are the only Christians in the Middle East free of persecution.
Carlson is part of a small strain on the right that is turning against Israel.
Bible prophecy indicates that America will return to a close relationship with Israel when President Donald Trump returns to office (see “Britain’s and Judah’s Governments Fall—America Next?”). But even that could be short-lived, and Trump’s movement could also turn against the Jews.