France and Germany Push for Europe’s Capital Market Union

Europe needs to push toward completing its long-postponed Capital Markets Union project, French President Emmanuel Macron said on March 19. This would allow the European Union to better mobilize private cash needed for investment in European companies, especially those working with artificial intelligence and green energy.

“This is a subject on which I want to make bold proposals with Germany in the coming weeks,” Macron said.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has also called on the EU to complete its creation of the Capital Markets Union in recent months, saying it is a key issue for economic growth and job creation in Europe. “[W]e need to complete the European project so that European companies can rise,” he said in January.

Unified market: The Capital Markets Union has been on the table since 2015 without real progress. The aim is to create a single market for capital within Europe, rather than the fragmented market Europe has now. This market would make it easier for start-ups and scale-ups to raise capital from Europe’s savings and private investments, no matter where the companies are located.

These plans show that the EU wants to unify and control its investments in one centralized market. The Bible prophesies that Europe will soon unite and rise to become a military superpower. The Capital Markets Union could lead toward that end.

Learn more: Read “Europe’s Savings—an Engine for Growth.”