Upstart Party Now Portuguese Kingmaker

Fringe-right party Chega dramatically increased its vote in yesterday’s general election in Portugal. The center-right Democratic Alliance won but fell short of a majority. Democratic Alliance leader Luis Montenegro must now decide whether to form a coalition with the second-place Socialist Party or Chega.

The vote: Both the Democratic Alliance and Socialists lost support compared to the last election in 2022, while Chega’s support grew.

  • Democratic Alliance won 29.5 percent of the vote, compared to 31.5 percent.
  • The Socialists won 28.7 percent, down from 42.5 percent.
  • Chega followed with 18 percent, rising from 7.4 percent.

The Democratic Alliance secured 79 seats in parliament; the Socialists, 77 seats; and Chega quadrupled its seats from 12 to 48.

Chega: Chega leader Andre Ventura said the results were “absolutely historic” for his party when polls closed. He told reporters that the vote “clearly showed that the Portuguese want a government of the [Democratic Alliance] with Chega.” He added, “We are available to build a government in Portugal.”

Montenegro, however, campaigned on an electoral promise that he would not rely on the far right for governing support. He now faces a difficult choice in whether to form a majority with the Socialists, whose popularity is shrinking in favor of the far-right populists.

Shift in Europe: Right-wing parties are emerging and pulling ahead all across Europe. This is a trend the Trumpet has watched closely for years because a dramatic political shift in Europe is prophesied in the Bible.

Learn more: Read “Will the Far Right Take Over Europe in 2024?