Modern-Day Child Sacrifice

Modern-Day Child Sacrifice
America’s children are under attack. Teachers, government officials, police and even parents have all joined a dangerous, sexually charged assault on the most impressionable and vulnerable among us.
It starts at the earliest possible years. Massive department stores from Target to Kohl’s market “pride” merchandise—for babies. Target has been selling T-shirts featuring naked adults and pro-homosexual merchandise designed by a literal satanist. Videos on social media show clothing designed to make people look more like the opposite gender—including breast binders and other items that have potentially lifelong side effects—for sale in kids’ sections.
Popular kids’ shows like Sesame Street, Blues Clues and Peppa Pig push homosexual propaganda. Disney boasts of its “not-at-all-secret gay agenda.” At Disneyland, a man in a dress helps little girls choose princess outfits.
To celebrate pride month in June, Joe Biden invited thousands of homosexual activists to the White House. Transgender men and women stripped off to pose topless in front of children, while the rainbow flag displaced the American flag on the center of the portico.
These activists once claimed a free-speech right to hold pride parades. Now they demand the right to invite children to watch mostly nude adults perform sex acts on each other. Some parades include a “kiddie korner” where children can play with sex toys. Even small children are invited to “Drag Queen Story Hour” events sponsored by public schools with taxpayer money. At drag events, children are prompted to stuff dollar bills into the underwear of men dressed as women; kids are encouraged to dance like strippers while adults applaud.
School libraries include explicit books on homosexuality for kids. A middle school in Michigan took children pole dancing on a field trip. A New Jersey high school secretly allowed some of its students to perform a drag show for a select group of staff. Homework assignments require students to read or write about masturbation, or describe how comfortable they are with homosexual sex acts.
Parents troubled or angry over these attacks on their children are being silenced and attacked. California’s State Senate is considering a bill that would make the state’s family code consider anyone who refuses to affirm a child’s preferred gender guilty of child abuse and subject to having their kids taken from them. Schools, youth groups, churches and any other organization that deals with children would face charges of child abuse. Last year in Indiana, a court removed a child from his home because his parents refused to accept that their child had swapped genders. Washington State passed a law in May allowing the state to take a child if his parents won’t consent to “gender-affirming care.” In plain English, if parents refuse to allow their son or daughter to be chemically castrated and rendered permanently infertile, or to have body parts chopped off, the state will seize the child and do it anyway.
This trend is as plainly, monstrously evil as anything you could imagine. How did modern society reach the point where such wickedness has grown common, acceptable—even a source of pride?
The Kids Are Not Alright
Those who push these policies insist they are doing so for children’s benefit. But evidence is rife that this homosexual-transgender push is hurting and even killing children.
In many cases, those promoting these events are literally sex criminals. A school counselor in Tucson, Arizona, who organized a drag queen event, has been arrested for having a sexual relationship with a female student. One “drag queen” allowed to read to children at the Houston Public Library in Texas is a registered sex offender. Performers at some of these events have been arrested for possessing child pornography. Yet these obvious truths are often glossed over.
Some of the individual stories are unthinkably horrific. William and Zack Zulock are a “married” homosexual couple who, in the eyes of the state, share a last name. They adopted two boys, ages 9 and 11, and literally made them poster children for the lesbian-gay-bisexual-transsexual movement. The two men posed for anti-hate campaigns; Out magazine often used pictures of the “family” on its website. They presented a glossy, happy facade. The truth, however, was that these two adult men were raping “their” boys! Even worse, they allowed other nearby pedophiles to rape them as well. On their devices, right alongside Instagram-bound photos portraying them as wholesome and loving parents, were videos they recorded of themselves sexually attacking these miserable children.
What makes this story all the more shameful is that one of these men had already been accused of child rape—before he and his partner were allowed to adopt! The two men were surprised at how easy the adoption process was; even they assumed that a criminal charge would make adoption impossible—as well it should have. But this is the kind of tragedy that occurs when authorities are so eager to seem pro-homosexual.
England had a similar tragedy with the toddler Star Hobson. Members of the public reported that Star was being abused by her mother and her lesbian partner. Star’s great-grandfather said authorities dismissed them as “troublemakers who made the complaint because we didn’t like gypsies or same-sex relationships.” Did these officials close their eyes to avoid appearing homophobic? Whatever the reason, because of their failure to intervene, Star’s life was snuffed out at only 16 months old.
These are the most extreme, horrific examples. They are clear proof that when it comes to a choice between protecting a child or embracing the homosexual movement, authorities in both Britain and America will embrace the adults and the woke movement—even if children die.
Lying to Our Children
One of the movement’s most prominent children, Jazz Jennings, was one of the first transgender kids thrust into the spotlight. I Am Jazz was one of the first in a now-crowded genre: books about transgenderism aimed at preschoolers. Jazz was invited on talk shows, became a brand ambassador, and has his own reality tv show. As a teen, while the world watched, he had his sex organs cut off in a botched operation. He is now 22 years old and miserable. His show is still going. He missed his first semester at college because he was depressed. He’s in constant pain from his surgeries. He knows he’ll never be able to have a normal romantic relationship. He broke down on air, sobbing, “I just want to feel like myself. All I want is to be happy and feel like me and I don’t feel like me ever!”
This is not Jazz’s fault. This trauma became inevitable from the time that, when he was a little boy, adults who should have known better told him that being a girl would make his life so much better. His parents, his doctors, politicians and the media fed him with lies and fawned over him—then, once the damage was done, the news presenters moved on to the next story.
A 1991 study looked at the parents of boys with “gender identity disorders” who thought they were girls. More than half had mothers who were diagnosed with depression or bipolar disorder—compared to 6 percent in the control group. This clearly suggests that mentally ill moms are wrecking the lives of their kids while society is applauding. This was a small, inadequate study; it only looked at around 30 people. But remarkably, it is the best we have because the medical industry has no interest in investigating further.
This truly is a matter of critical importance, for our children and our future. The fact that authorities are strenuously preserving fiction about the benefits of “gender-affirming care” is criminal. And young people are suffering for it on a horrifying scale.
Never have our young people been more depressed. One third of high school girls in the United States have seriously considered suicide. One quarter have made a suicide plan. Fifty-seven percent said they felt persistently sad or hopeless.
The homosexual movement is not the only culprit here. But if misery and high suicide rates are caused by intolerance, then why is the most open and tolerant society in history witnessing record levels of misery and suicide?
Suicide statistics go up sharply for those sacrificed to this movement. Half of girls who transition to “become” boys try to kill themselves. Altering teens’ bodies does not solve their mental health problems—it intensifies them.
The trans movement uses emotional blackmail against parents: Better a living daughter than a dead son, as one slogan goes. You must let your child have parts of his body sliced off, or you will be responsible for his death. In May, a German center that specializes in “gender-affirming care” found that young transgender people who had had surgery were more depressed and lonelier than those who hadn’t. A study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that kids who had received this “care” required more anti-depressive drugs than before.
It shouldn’t take years of long studies to tell us that chopping body parts off kids doesn’t make them happy. A $500,000 taxpayer-funded study gave hormones from the opposite sex to 24 young people, ages 12 to 20, to help them “transition.” Two of them committed suicide.
The evils of the transgender movement have become so obvious that some countries are changing course. Sweden and the UK have backed away from chemically castrating children. “Puberty blockers” are no longer prescribed. Britain’s Tavistock clinic, the National Health Service center for transgender children, has been shut down.
Tragically, in so many other areas of society, the movement marches on.
The Danger of Same-Sex ‘Marriage’
The mass child abuse by the transgender movement has rightly gained some outrage in some circles. But even then, the connection between homosexuality and child abuse is ignored.
A June Gallup poll found that 71 percent of Americans now approve of homosexual “marriage.” What many people overlook is that this living arrangement puts children in danger.
In 2012, the New Family Structures Study interviewed 15,000 Americans ages 18 to 39. For children who grew up within their intact, natural family, 2 percent said they were touched sexually by a parent or a caregiver; 8 percent said they were forced to have sex against their will at some point; 5 percent became suicidal. Those are tragic statistics, but among homosexuals, they are far higher. For those with a lesbian mother, 23 percent said they were touched sexually by a parent or a caregiver, and 12 percent said they became suicidal. For those with a homosexual father, 31 percent said they were forced to have sex against their will, and 24 percent became suicidal.
Many people have worked hard to discredit that study. Again, the sample size is small: Not many people were brought up by a homosexual parent and were adults by 2012. But the criticisms fail to disprove its findings. They are clearly from scholars who want to suppress conclusions they dislike.
And that study is hardly the only data that exposes the unpleasant truth. A range of studies have found that homosexual men make up around 3 percent of the population, but commit 30 to 40 percent of all sex crimes against children.
Even academics who try to argue that homosexuality has no connection to child rape and sexual abuse admit the opposite. One researcher wrote, “Only 21 percent of the child molesters we studied who assault little boys were exclusively homosexual.” Men who are “exclusively homosexual” are a tiny segment of society, so it is remarkable that they make up 1 in every 5 child molesters.
Many mainstream outlets parrot the lie that there is no evidence of a correlation between homosexuality and child sex abuse. They can only “prove” this by redefining homosexuality. Of course if you define homosexuals as “people attracted to those of the same sex but are not pedophiles,” then you’ll find that very few homosexuals are pedophiles.
In reality, pedophilia has been at the core of the homosexual movement for years.
New York’s Gay Activist Alliance was a key homosexual organization in the early days of the movement to promote the tolerance, acceptance and popularity of homosexuality. It has been called “the most influential American gay liberation activist organization in the early 1970s,” and its headquarters has become a New York City landmark.
In the early 1970s, David Thorstad, Gay Activist Alliance’s president, became a founding member of an organization with a shocking name: the North American Man/Boy Love Association (nambla). This pedophile group was later admitted into several homosexual, bisexual and transgender umbrella organizations. Thorstad openly stated, “Boy-lovers were involved in the gay movement from the beginning, and their presence was tolerated.” As recently as 2002, the International Lesbian and Gay Association was denied United Nations recognition as a nongovernmental organization because it “did not document that it had purged pedophile groups” like nambla.
In the UK, the Campaign for Homosexual Equality had a similar relationship with the Pedophile Information Exchange. The campaign passed motions in favor of the pedophiles on at least two occasions. In Germany, the Green Party pushed for the legalization of pedophilia in the ’80s and ’90s.
Around that time, Allen Ginsberg used poetry to support the homosexual movement. He won the National Book Award for Poetry in 1974 and the National Arts Club gold medal in 1979. He was a member of and regularly wrote for the nambla.
Gayle Rubin is a professor at the University of Michigan. Her book Thinking Sex is considered a foundational text for the homosexual-bisexual-transgender movement. In it, Rubin writes that adult sex with children should be legalized and normalized and that pedophiles have been the victims of an unjust “witch hunt.” “Like Communists and homosexuals in the 1950s,” she writes, they “are so stigmatized that it is difficult to find defenders for their civil liberties, let alone for their erotic orientation. Consequently, the police have feasted on them. Local police, the fbi, and watchdog postal inspectors have joined to build a huge apparatus whose sole aim is to wipe out the community of men who love underaged youth.”
Many people within the homosexual movement think like this. More evidence is found in fiction books written for homosexuals: Many are full of pedophilia. The Weekly Standard wrote, “Gay fiction is rich with idyllic accounts of ‘intergenerational relationships,’ as such affairs are respectfully called these days.” Several of these end up in anthologies like The Gay Canon: Great Books Every Gay Man Should Read.
The Journal of Homosexuality was one of the most mainstream publications of the homosexual movement. In 1990, it produced a series of essays titled “Male Intergenerational Intimacy: Historical, Sociopsychological and Legal Perspectives.” Edited by a pedophile, it praised adult sex with children as a natural right. In 1999, the journal stated, “Man-boy and woman-girl relations without doubt are same-sex relations and they do constitute an aspect of gay and lesbian life.”
The horrific attempts to push perversion on kids is not a new development: It is a fundamental part of the lgbt movement and has been from the beginning. It was just hid for decades while they worked on society to embrace the movement. The next letter added could be “P.”
As the lesbian-gay-bisexual and then the transgender movement became more mainstream, those leading it became more careful about what they said, fearing they would lose support among ordinary voters. Now support is so strong that the movement proudly, brazenly promotes these themes. They know that if forced to choose between supporting the homosexual movement and appearing tolerant or protecting children, those at the top of society will sacrifice the children.
Sacrificing Children
Society, politicians, educators, churches and more have gone along with this movement—despite the unfathomable harm it is doing to an entire generation. As a society, we have come to accept this as morally acceptable.
But what does God think? We don’t have to debate this question; the Bible tells us directly.
“Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child,” God commands in Exodus 22:22-24. “If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry; And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.”
Could there be a stronger condemnation? God promises to avenge the defenseless! When a toddler is tortured to death, or a small child is brainwashed with perverse filth, God becomes angry. And He will respond.
The homosexual movement preaches love and tolerance. Christians have swallowed this propaganda, adopted this syrupy, counterfeit love, and rejected the clear teachings of the Bible. God calls homosexuality, transgenderism and every part of the “lgbt movement” an abomination. When you see its foul fruits, it is clear why: because of the appalling damage it wreaks on those who participate in it, their victims and all society.
In end-time prophecies, God compares such conduct with child sacrifice. He condemns “you who burn with lust among the oaks, under every green tree; who slay your children in the valleys, under the clefts of the rocks” (Isaiah 57:5; Revised Standard Version).
In Ezekiel, God says, “[T]hou hast slain my children, and delivered them to cause them to pass through the fire for them” (Ezekiel 16:21). This chapter is addressed to “Jerusalem”—yet Ezekiel wrote too late to give any kind of warning to ancient Jerusalem. It is a warning primarily for spiritual Jerusalem—God’s Church—but also the modern descendants of Israel in Britain and America (read our free book The United States and Britain in Prophecy).
Our peoples have a history with God. Britain’s common law and America’s Constitution have their roots in the Bible. We, of all people, should know better. Instead we are leading the world into appalling, satanic perversions.
Ancient Israel and Judah did the same thing. The Bible talks about Molech, an ancient Canaanite god, little known to history, that people worshiped with child sacrifice. Jeremiah 32:35 says that Israel and Judah began “to sacrifice their sons and daughters to Molek, though I never commanded—nor did it enter my mind—that they should do such a detestable thing …” (New International Version).
Cleitarchus, writing around 300 b.c., describes a sacrifice to Molech that he saw in the Phoenician colony of Carthage: “There stands in their midst a bronze statue of Kronos, its hands extended over a bronze brazier, the flames of which engulf the child. When the flames fall upon the body, the limbs contract and the open mouth seems almost to be laughing until the contracted body slips quietly into the brazier. Thus it is that the ‘grin’ is known as ‘sardonic laughter,’ since they die laughing.”
That is gruesome, horrific and hard to read. Yet what we are doing today is worse.
Firstly, consider how much more widespread is the evil today. How many more confused teens have been driven to suicide by this satanic ideology. From the White House to the schoolhouse, adults are pushing perversion—and the kids who follow it have a 50-50 chance of trying to kill themselves.
The Bible reveals that marriage and family were created by God. He wants children to grow up with a practical vision of their eternal future in the God Family. Marriage and family can be one of the greatest sources of joy and hope to children and adults alike (article, page 1).
The homosexual movement directly attacks God’s plan for His children. It deprives them of hope, poisons their minds, and tries to permanently cut them off from their heavenly Father.
The agenda behind this movement is not simply about destroying physical life. It’s an attempt to blot out God’s plan for these children.
Diodorus Siculus, writing around 50 b.c., also described Carthage’s child sacrifice. He wrote of a crisis where the city “selected 200 of the noblest children and sacrificed them publicly.” What did the parents think as they saw their babies writhing in the flames, creating that gruesome grimace for their bloodthirsty god? Sorrow certainly. But also, they thought of themselves as enlightened and selfless, sacrificing what was most precious to them for the greater good. Are we any better today as we hand our children over to an ideology that destroys minds and lives while patting ourselves on the back and celebrating our “pride”?
God says He will punish “in mine anger, and in my fury, and in great wrath” (Jeremiah 32:37). Surely when we see the way society is accommodating and celebrating this perverse and destructive wickedness, we can understand why.
How We Got Here
How did we get to a point where society has embraced a cause so evil? It is critical to understand; otherwise we could carelessly embrace such a cause ourselves.
It all begins with a little compromise with sin—breaking God’s law (1 John 3:4). Sin cuts us off from God (Isaiah 59:1-2). As our booklet Redefining Family states, sin “distorts the thinking, becoming deeply engraved in the mind (Jeremiah 17:1), and searing the conscience (1 Timothy 4:2; Ephesians 4:19). Sexual sins in particular pervert wholesome thoughts and feelings. They undermine respect and honor for the opposite sex and appreciation for the family as God created it.”
Sexual sins feed on themselves. A little pornography generates a desire for something more perverse. Extreme pornography takes the viewer further into the cesspool. As Pulitzer Prize-winning author Andrea Long Chu wrote, “Sissy porn did make me trans.”
Romans 1 explains exactly how society reached this point of depravity.
Verse 18 warns, “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness” (niv). There are things mankind can and should know about God. But they have been suppressed. Man can know that God is his Creator, but we have rejected that truth (verses 19-20). “For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened” (verse 21; niv).
Instead we have embraced a purely materialistic education based on evolution. We have completely rejected what God says about marriage and family. We have adopted laws regarding sexual morality that encourage doing whatever you feel like—increasingly even if that means preying on children!
The next verses describe this downward slide. Man is conquered by his lusts. The result: “… Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done” (verses 26-28; niv).
The perversion around us is the natural result of rejecting God’s law—denying biblical morality, and normalizing fornication, adultery, upside-down families, divorce and single parenthood.
What about those who don’t participate in that evil, but don’t oppose it either?
In Leviticus 20 God pronounces the death penalty on anyone who would sacrifice a child to Molech. But He does not stop there: “If the members of the community close their eyes when that man sacrifices one of his children to Molek and if they fail to put him to death, I myself will set my face against him and his family and will cut them off from their people together with all who follow him in prostituting themselves to Molek” (Leviticus 20:4-5). If people didn’t stand up and stop the evil, God said He would—and that He would also punish those who did nothing.
And if you think the Old Testament is null and void, Paul writes the same thing in Romans 1:32. God warns that His judgment is coming on those “who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, … approve of those who practice them” (New King James Version).
The Bible has powerful warnings for the homosexual movement. It also gives a powerful warning to those who aren’t part of it, but who do nothing to fight it.
Clearly those who sacrifice children deserve punishment. But what about those who stand by and let it happen? They need their thinking fixed too.
If we just let it go, we compromise with sin. We put ourselves on that same slippery slope. We soon find ourselves tolerating things that once outraged us.
How did America reach the depths of evil it has today? Yes, a perverse few dragged blatantly evil practices into the mainstream. But beyond that, most stood by and did nothing. God says He is furious with both groups.
Does any one of us feel as strongly about this sin as God does?
You Must Choose a Side
How, then, should we respond? The same scriptures that reveal God’s reaction give us the answer.
God commands in Isaiah 58:1, “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.” God told another prophet, “Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations” (Ezekiel 16:2).
This is the only way to keep ourselves unsoiled from the sin of society: by backing God’s work that warns about this sin.
There is no standing aside or being neutral in this fight. If you are not fighting for our children, then you are fighting against them—and against God.
There is only one loving response to the homosexual movement: warning about the consequences of what they are doing to themselves and to our children.
Most will not heed the warning. But God, in His love, will not allow society to continue to plumb new depths of perversion. He will intervene as forcefully and painfully as necessary to turn this world around. Those who heed the warning ahead of time will save themselves untold suffering. And so, God has a work that proclaims a message of warning and a message of hope. A message that shows the world their sins and gives them the wonderful vision behind marriage and family—a vision with eternal promise.
God wants all mankind to have the opportunity to join His Family. He will do all He can to turn around even those currently trapped within this evil movement—He does not want anyone to perish (2 Peter 3:9). He is full of love. But love does not mean tolerating child sacrifice. It means saving the children, correcting the sin, straightening out minds, and educating the world in a new way of life—one that causes joy, peace and happiness forever.