The Kings of the East

Bible prophecy forecasts a rising power bloc in Asia that is about to change world events.

Russia and China are spearheading the emergence of an Asian power bloc.

This loose alliance of Asian nations has enormous global influence and is redefining the world order.

Russia is expanding its presence in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.

China, too, is making rapid advancements—chiefly, island building in disputed territory in the South China Sea, putting a stranglehold on critical trade routes in the region.

The emergence of this Asian alliance is actually mentioned in Bible prophecy.

A prophecy in Revelation 16 refers to this end-time Asian bloc as the “kings of the east” (Revelation 16:12).

Ezekiel 38 prophesies specifically that this alliance is led by a strongman in Russia.

A prophecy in Isaiah 23 says that the “kings of the east” will form a trade alliance with an end-time, German-led European superpower. But this cooperation will be short-lived.

A prophecy in Daniel 11, verses 40 through 45, is specifically for the “time of the end.”

This prophecy says that once the “king of the north” destroys the “king of the south,” it will be “troubled” by “tidings out of the east.”

Revelation 9 shows that, all together, the “kings of the east” will amass an army of 200 million (Revelation 9:16).

This massive army will battle with the German-led European power, and also with Jesus Christ at His Second Coming.

Following this battle, Jesus Christ will usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for the whole Earth.

Request our FREE booklets The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia’ and Russia and China in Prophecy.