Make God Real!
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For most people on Earth, God just doesn’t seem real. They may accept that God exists—but they don’t really know God. He seems like a faint, far-away dream or figment of the imagination. God is a great mystery to most people. Their own human fathers don’t seem like a mystery. They seem real. But with God the Father, it’s different.
Why does God seem unreal? In Mystery of the Ages, Herbert W. Armstrong answers that question. In Mystery of the Ages, Mr. Armstrong aimed to make God as real to you as your own human father. For God does reveal himself in the Bible. But man must be willing to humble himself, pray for understanding, and diligently examine the Word of God.
If you prayerfully study this book, Mystery of the Ages—along with your Bible—you will come to know the great Creator God—your Father in heaven—your personal friend and guide. On today’s program, we will introduce you to this this wonderful book—a book we make available for free—at no cost or obligation to you.