The First-Century Apostasy
Listen to the Trumpet Daily radio program that aired on August 21.
The book of Acts was intended to expose a growing religious movement prophesied to threaten God’s Church. This religious system, begun by Simon Magus and calling itself Christian, was a remake of the ancient Babylonian mystery religion. On today’s show, Stephen Flurry looks back to a time in history that is clouded in mystery: the first century of God’s Church. He explains the battle waged between this great false church and God’s true Church, and why history is so silent about this era.
Topics covered on today’s show include:
(:30) Britain to reopen embassy in Iran
(1:58) Iran’s secret self-inspections
(5:25) Russia and China war games
(8:30) Sectarian violence in Britain
(10:40) America’s and Europe’s immigration crises
(21:32) The first-century Aapostasy
(50:32) The impact nature has on productivity levels
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