Davutoglu Nominated as Turkey’s New Prime Minister
Turkey’s ruling party chose Ahmet Davutoglu to replace Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as the country’s new prime minister. Erdoğan announced Davutoglu’s nomination on August 21 after a meeting of senior leaders from the Justice and Development Party, known as the akp.
Under Erdoğan’s leadership, the akp has ruled Turkey for more than a decade. On Thursday, Erdoğan will be inaugurated as Turkey’s first popularly-elected president.
Erdoğan has indicated he will maintain tight control of the government. He intends to transform the largely ceremonial presidency into a more involved one. One way he plans to do this is by using his presidential powers to summon and preside over Cabinet meetings.
As president, Erdoğan must sever all party ties. However, he will be able to retain power by working with the malleable Davutoglu.
A former professor of international relations and Turkey’s foreign minister, Davutoglu is considered a strong Erdoğan loyalist. He was long reported to be Erdoğan’s top choice as his successor. Davutoglu has steered Turkey’s foreign policy as foreign minister since 2009, and as Erdoğan’s adviser before that.
Directed by Erdoğan and Davutoglu, Turkey has ended its friendship with Israel. At the same time, its relationship with the United States has cooled considerably. Erdoğan has also steered the formerly secular nation toward reviving its Islamic roots as he sought stronger alliances in the Arab world.
Based on Bible prophecy, the Trumpet expects a complete break to occur between Turkey and the U.S. For more information, watch our Key of David program “Turkey Is Going to Betray America.”