Peace Is Coming to the Middle East!
EDMOND, OKLA.—On April 12, students of Herbert W. Armstrong College and Imperial Academy attended a performance of Shesh Besh at Armstrong Auditorium. The Arab-Jewish ensemble consists of three members of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra alongside four of the finest musicians from Israel’s Arab community. Shesh Besh is a model of tolerance and mutual respect in a turbulent, violent Middle East. They were the recipients of the 2007 European Medal of Honor—Prize for Tolerance.
Shesh Besh’s appearance at Armstrong Auditorium was fitting. The concert hall is named after the late Herbert W. Armstrong, who was a supporter of peace and understanding between all nations. Mr. Armstrong oversaw several projects in the Middle East, including an archeological dig on the Temple Mount and initiatives to promote peace and understanding between Israelis and Palestinians.
The beautiful music performed by Shesh Besh in Armstrong Auditorium is a small foretaste of the eternal peace that is soon to come to the Middle East and the entire world. Many biblical prophecies point to this time of peace that will soon break out in the Middle East and across the Earth.
If you want a real picture of what this coming world of peace will be like, please request a free copy of our booklet The Way of Peace Restored Momentarily and a free copy of Herbert W. Armstrong’s inspiring booklet The Wonderful World Tomorrow—What It Will Be Like.