Pro-Choice Advocates on Sex-Selective Abortion: ‘Get Over It’

Another chilling example of the desensitizing effects of our abortion culture

A lot of Chinese girls get aborted. The nation’s controversial one-child policy means that many families decide they want their one child to be a boy—and take whatever steps modern medicine has made available to ensure they get it.

The trend is so prevalent that China has become an increasingly sex-imbalanced country. The most extreme example, the port city of Lianyungang, has 163 boys under age 4 for every 100 girls.

By the time these kids are grown, their generation will have 24 million more men than women. Science journalist Mara Hvistendahl, author of Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, and the Consequences of a World Full of Men, says that, with a combination of ultrasound and abortion, sex-selection “has claimed over 160 million potential women and girls—in Asia alone.” By comparison, she notes, aids has taken an estimated 25 million lives worldwide.

One-hundred-and-sixty million babies killed, just in Asia, simply for being the “wrong” sex.

These are the disturbing consequences of amorality. In a country that largely sees no moral problem with abortion, concerns of overpopulation gave rise to a policy that has cut some 400 million lives short, and parents broadly and willingly sacrifice their children on the altar of personal gender preference.

A couple months ago, the Trumpet’s Brad Macdonald wrote about how this custom has spread to Britain. A Telegraph investigation found “fairly widespread” use of the appalling practice within the nation that has become the abortion capital of Europe.

Last week, a series of events showed that sex-selective abortion is also taking place in America.

Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the U.S. Though it officially opposes the procedure (“Planned Parenthood condemns sex selection motivated by gender bias,” it says on its website), its actions prove otherwise.

Last Thursday, a bill called the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act passed through the U.S. House of Representatives that would have criminalized abortion based on sex. Planned Parenthood actively worked to defeat the legislation. The White House also opposed it, claiming it was unnecessary government intrusion into medical decisions and private family matters. Though the bill had solid congressional support, receiving a 246-168 vote, it failed to achieve the two-thirds majority required for its passage.

Also last week, at least two different Planned Parenthood clinics were caught on tape permitting if not promoting gendercide.

Pro-life advocacy group Live Action released an undercover video of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Austin, Texas, encouraging a woman to abort her baby because it is a girl. In the video, a woman posing as a client claims to be in her first trimester and asks if she can get an abortion if her baby turns out to be a girl. “We want two. I already have a girl, and we want a boy and girl,” she explains.

The Planned Parenthood staffer counsels her to wait until five months into the pregnancy in order to be certain of the baby’s sex, and then to abort if it is a girl. By that point it would be a late-term abortion.

The counselor even advises how the client can scam Medicaid into paying for the ultrasound by pretending she will carry the child to term. This is advice from an organization that receives nearly $350 million in government funding.

In a second video, a Planned Parenthood worker at a New York City clinic encourages an apparent client who openly says she plans to abort her pregnancy if it turns out to be a girl. “[H]ere at Planned Parenthood we believe that it’s not up to us to decide what is a good or a bad reason for somebody to decide to terminate a pregnancy,” the social worker explains.

A spokesman for the organization told Huffington Post that “no Planned Parenthood clinic will deny a woman an abortion based on her reasons for wanting one, except in those states that explicitly prohibit sex-selective abortions (Arizona, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Illinois).”

So much for “condemning” such abortions.

The fact is that logically, the person who believes abortion is fine has no reason to oppose sex-based abortion. As Mr. Macdonald wrote, “Morally, is there really a distinction between ending a pregnancy because the parent/s don’t want a girl, and ending a pregnancy because the parent/s simply don’t want a child? Either way, the end result is the termination of an unborn human.” If you really believe a fetus has no intrinsic moral worth or right to live, then what difference does the sex make?

In fact, that is exactly the argument made by pro-choice advocate Allison Benedikt in this eye-opening Slate article, “Why Pro-Choicers Should Be OK With Sex-Selection Abortions.” “Strategically, it makes no sense to give in to this idea that there’s somehow something a little queasier about having an abortion for gender than, say, for money. These are equally legitimate reasons,” she explains. “One might make you uncomfortable in your gut, but it can’t make the movement hesitate. Because that hesitation … makes it that much easier for so many of those other reasons (money, timing, work) to seem a little not-OK too.

“Also, let’s just remember that we are talking about fetuses,” she continues. “No matter how many ultrasound pics get posted to Facebook, these are fetuses with female genitals or male genitals—not little girls and little boys. If pro-choicers object to aborting because of the sex of the fetus, aren’t we then saying that abortion is ‘murdering’ girls? Aren’t we basically arguing that a fetus is not a blank slate but a future possibility? That is not the case to make if your goal is to protect abortion rights. Gulp for a second if you must, then get over it.”

This is the logical—and dismaying—conclusion of the amorality that leads to abortion in the first place: Absolutely nothing must stand in the way of the free, unfettered ability to end a pregnancy whenever and for whatever reason someone chooses.

Where do you stand? “Pro-choice” is a euphemism for “pro-abortion.” Have you taken a clear-eyed look at the issue? You can read of the dark alleys that such thinking leads to in our article “A Chilling Peek at Our Abortion Culture.”

To prove the truth, read “Is Abortion Really Murder?” and “The Missing Dimension in the Abortion Issue.”